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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Jane's Walk: Meet the Birds, Plants and Animals of Coyote Creek 
Sunday, June 05, 2016 08:30am
Ever wondered about the birds and plants around Coyote Creek? Join Alie and Bruce Victorine as they share their love of birds on a short walk along Coyote Creek trail. California Native Plant Society's Joe Cernac will provide identification of the plants we encounter along the way.
We'll start at Hellyer County Park and walk along the Coyote Creek trail for a total trip of around three miles. This event is mobility and family-friendly since we will be walking along the paved Coyote Creek Trail. At the end of the walk you are invited to stay for a ranger talk to learn about the many different animals that live in or near the creek habitat. Feel the real animal fur of raccoons, bobcats, foxes, and rabbits and learn how to identify their footprints. You can also go to the visitor's center to see the live snakes. (Additional hour)
What's in a name? Jane's Walks are named after Jane Jacobs, who was an urbanist and activist whose writings championed a fresh, community-based approach to city building. This event is co-sponsored by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, Open Space Authority, and Hellyer County Park.
Registration required at
Location Hellyer Park Cottonwood Lake, 985 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95111