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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Graywater for Native Plant Gardens 
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 06:00pm
Contact (408) 354-6891

California is a drought-prone state and it is imperative that we conserve every precious drop of water. Graywater is a great way to reuse water from inside the house for landscape irrigation outside of the house. Come learn how you can install a simple laundry-to-landscape system and which native plants are best suited for this type of irrigation. Did we mention you can also get a rebate from the local water district? Please note the earlier start time.

Deva Luna is a sustainable and Bay Friendly-Qualified designer who has been teaching and speaking about horticulture for over 20 years. She has a degree in “Plants and Art” from U.C. Davis and works for EarthCare Landscaping ( in Cupertino.

Location Los Gatos Library, 100 Villa Avenue, Los Gatos
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