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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Firesafe Native Gardens 
Wednesday, August 21, 2019 07:00pm
Contact (650) 948-7683

The Santa Clara County FireSafe Council (SCCFSC) will be presenting concepts for wildfire risk reduction around your home and structures in conjunction with fire-safe landscaping. The presentation will begin by reviewing defensible space and ember intrusion principles. These underlying ideas are critical to reducing fire risk when planning landscape plantings and installations. Once the audience has a good understanding of the zones of home ignition, we will proceed to an in-depth discussion of spacing, placement and species choices. Discussion will also touch on maintenance for continued participation in wildfire risk reduction principles. Please bring your questions and ideas to the talk!

Patty Ciesla is the executive director of the SCCFSC, and has been working on wildfire preparedness since 2014. Patty’s prior work focused on parks, trails, physical activity, and recreation in the great outdoors.

Eugenia Rendler has been the Education Coordinator for the SCCFSC since 2011. In that time the SCCFSC outreach program has grown from a small booth and simple Smokey Bear story times to an SCCFSC branded booth and workshops which engage thousands of people at over 30 countywide festivals and events each year.

Location Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos