CNPS SCV Blazing Star Logo
California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

About Us

Volunteer Awards

Volunteer Awards

CNPS is a volunteer-based organization, and the CNPS Santa Clara Valley Chapter is fortunate to have many volunteers who contribute to the success and vibrancy of our chapter. Indeed, this has been a hallmark of our chapter since its inception.

Each year, our chapter recognizes one or two extraordinary volunteers. Recipients of the annual award have typically contributed at least a decade of service and made a significant contribution to the chapter over their many years as a volunteer. The Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes a volunteer who has gone above and beyond in their contributions to the chapter, and who has volunteered for the chapter in the current calendar year. The Native Plant Ambassador Award is intended for a person who has made significant contributions to the promotion and understanding of California native plants in urban landscapes or in the wild.

We invite you to submit candidates for a volunteer award at any time of the year. You may submit your nominations here. If you have questions or need help with the nomination process please contact the Leadership Development Committee Chair or Chapter President.

2022 Outstanding Volunteer Award - Georgia Stigall

Georgia StigallGeorgia Stigall joined the Chapter in the late 1980s and has been a constant presence ever since. She has volunteered in a variety of roles: Edgewood Preserve weeder, Recording Secretary, Vice President, President, Chapter Council Delegate, Officer at Large, GNGT docent, and New Member Outreach. She spent over 23 years as a Chapter Board Member, 10 of those as a Chapter Officer. Georgia has been a regular presence at plant sales, wildflower shows and other Chapter events since the late 1990s. She facilitated process changes for our Chapter that significantly streamlined the management of these events. She hosted numerous CNPS board retreats and potlucks. Her passion is habitat relationships between native flora and fauna by teaching, “Native critters need native plants!” She has been the go-to person for consultation, communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. The Chapter has thrived and grown due to Georgia’s efforts. She has recruited many members to the society, who continue to be inspired by her commitment to the environment.

Read more about Georgia in the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of the Blazing Star.

2021 Outstanding Volunteer Award - Carol MattssonChapter newsletter editor Carol Mattsson at Magic’s Stanford Dish Deer Creek planting, January 2016 by Hillary Hug

Carol Mattsson became the editor of thie Blazing Star newsletter in 2001 when she was recruited by Jean Struthers. She produced her first Blazing Star issue for the November/December 2001 issue. In all the years since, she made each and every newsletter ̶ a whopping 120 issues ̶ engaging, informative and enjoyable. Year after year, Carol has also volunteered enthusiastically at other Chapter events like our plant sales, the Wildflower shows, the nursery, habitat restoration projects, and more. She was a Board member for many years is also an avid and inquisitive participant on many of our field trips. We are very proud of and grateful to Carol Mattsson for her 20 years volunteering as our Blazing Star Editor and her many other volunteer accomplishment

Read more about Carol in the January/February 2022 issue of the Blazing Star.

2020 Outstanding Volunteer Award - Krzysztof Kozminski

KK TruckKrzys (KK) has been a Chapter member and volunteer for over twenty years. He has a beautiful and mature collector’s garden which contains over forty species and cultivars of Ceanothus alone, and has conducted many public and private tours of his garden. KK has served on the Going Native Garden Tour committee continuously since 2002. He developed the website that has been used to support the tour for over a decade. His position as tour webmaster belies the enormous responsibility and effort involved: keeping the website running, handling registrations, updating garden pages, sending notifications, and more. Nella Henninger calls him “the backbone of the tour.”

2020 Garden Ambassador Award - Sherri Osaka

Sherri Osaka Memorial ServiceSherri Osaka made numerous contributions to the chapter to promote native plant landscaping and sustainable living. An electrical engineer by training, she switched to landscape design in mid-career. Her gardens were featured on the Going Native Garden Tour for many years. She led the Gardening with Natives (GWN) committee of the Chapter, arranging over 30 public talks annually throughout two counties, touching the lives of over a thousand attendees each year. She was a passionate advocate for living lightly on this earth and giving back.

2019 Garden Ambassador Award - Patrick Pizzo

Patrick PizzoPatrick Pizzo made countless contributions to the promotion of native plants in this area. A San Jose native, he had a long academic career at San Jose State University. After retirement, he threw himself into native planting projects around the valley, including Capitancillos Drive, Fontana Park, and the Hellyer Park Interpretive Center. He engaged with the Chapter, Our City Forest, County Parks and community members to advocate for native plants in everyday landscapes like streets, local parks, and schools. He had a vision and was constantly engaged in implementing it with passion, persistence, and good cheer. He was a frequent contributor on the Gardening With Natives email group, lead Chapter field trips to visit his planting projects and provided encouragement and guidance to novice and experienced native plant gardeners.

 2019 Outstanding Volunteer Award -Toni Gregorio Bunch Toni Gregorio-Bunch Award 2019

For over a decade, Toni Gregorio-Bunch has had a hand in coordinating and managing Chapter activities and administration: Vice President for three terms, volunteer recruiter and coordinator too many times to count, Outreach Coordinator, and Publicity Chair. She was the co-coordinator of our Chapter’s Wildflower Show for several years and the Fall Plant Sale Manager. Even when she is not coordinating an event, she shows up to help: from tabling at many local outreach events, staffing plant sales and the Symposium, and showing off her buckwheat (and more) garden on the Going Native Garden Tour - she’s ‘been there’ for the Chapter.

Spotlight Awards

Spotlight Award

The Spotlight Award recognizes volunteers who have made a significant contribution to the chapter in a shorter time span than covered by other awards. The Spotlight Award may be given at any time of the year. Recipients are announced in the Blazing Star and at the next appropriate chapter meeting.

We invite you to submit candidates for a Spotlight Award at any time of the year. You may submit your nominations here. If you have questions or need help with the nomination process please contact the Leadership Development Committee Chair or Chapter President.

2023 Spotlight Award - Karen Cotter

When Nora Monette stepped down from the Scholarship Committee after many years of service, Karen Cotter enthusiastically stepped into the role in 2019 and worked closely with Paul Heiple to ensure a smooth transition and functioning of the committee. As Chair of the committee, Karen promoted scholarship outreach, reviewed applications, and participated in recipient selection. Karen also served as a Rare Plants Chair from 2020-2021, and participated in the chapter’s Rare Plant Committee prior to that, including teaming up with Don Mayall to conduct Rare Plant Treasure Hunts in Santa Clara County Parks. Karen moved to Sonoma County in 2021, but continued to lead the chapter’s Scholarship Committee until 2023. Her efforts benefited not only the students and their professors but also the chapter at large in highlighting current areas of research and how the chapter supports those efforts.

Read more about Karen in the November/December 2023 issue of the Blazing Star.

2022 Spotlight Award - Cynthia Gingerich

Cynthia GingerichCynthia took over publicity for the Growing Natives Garden Tour in 2019 and made a huge impact in her nearly three years on the committee. Even before joining, Cynthia was an active member of the CNPS Facebook Group. After joining the GNGT Steering Committee, Cynthia was a breath of fresh air and a guiding light who helped keep GNGT alive and well during the pandemic. Cynthia led the initiative to switch from in-person to virtual garden tours in 2020, personally reaching out to private and public gardens and encouraging them to create their own amateur video tours. Cynthia is stepping down after the tour this year, and she’s taken steps to ensure her role will be filled even after she leaves. Vivian Neou says, “She went to the extra effort to find a replacement who could shadow her this year so there wouldn’t be a gap in PR coverage.”

Read more about Cynthia in the May/June 2022 issue of the Blazing Star.

2022 Spotlight Award - CNPS Nursery Volunteers: Melanie Cross, Elaine Erikson, Pam Gage, Linda Hsi, Barbara Hunt, John Jenkins, Renate Kempf, Anderson Lee, Tara Lee, Penny Pollock, and Vivian Neou.

This team put in heroic work to keep our nursery running smoothly during the pandemic. Many returned as soon as health regulations allowed, putting in time at least once a week. A core group took on the work that was formerly handled by a much larger set of people. They set up a schedule so that necessary work could be covered with only one volunteer at the nursery at a time. The group had an extraordinary level of shared responsibility for the plants’ welfare and support for each other. Their commitment and effort helped raise the funds that support all other work done by the Chapter: scholarships, conservation work, science and garden talks, the garden tour, the wildflower show, and more. This amazing group has generously contributed many, many hours to support the Chapter over the last couple of years.

Read more about CNPS Nursery Volunteers in the January/February 2022 issue of the Blazing Star.

2019 Annual Meeting and Potluck!

dang croppedWe hope that you can join us for our annual potluck and meeting. This fun evening begins at 6pm on Saturday, 11/9/2019. Bring your favorite dish, whether it be a salad, main dish, dessert or beverage; it always works out that we have just the right amount of everything! A label identifying your dish will be helpful. Be sure to bring a plate, drinking glass, and eating utensils for yourself, as well as a bag in which to take home unwashed dishes.

The potluck will be followed by our Chapter's annual election, and a vote on the updated Chapter Guidelines. For more information about the guidelines, please see We'll wrap the evening up with a talk by Dan Gluesenkamp, Executive Director, CNPS: 

Everything’s Changing So Fast: An Update

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Chapter Guidelines Update - 2019

Our Chapter guidelines are like our constitution: the basic rules for how we are organized and how we perform our activities. We made a major update of the guidelines in 2016. Since then, we have found a few problems with the update. Our Board has approved a draft set of revisions to address these issues. The changes include provisions to deal with open positions and also bring the guidelines in line with actual practice. The changes update:

  • the definition of the Executive Committee to include provisions for open positions.
  • the composition of the Board to consist of the Executive Committee and at least ten (10) appointed directors.
  • the requirement for a quorum at the general meeting in November.

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In The News

Donald Mayall - In Memoriam


don mayall at plant sale.capOur dear friend Don Mayall passed away on June 28, 2017 at the age of 85. Don was a Chapter leader, friend, and mentor to many of us. Don quickly became a leader in our Chapter after becoming a CNPS member in the 1980s, and held many positions in the Santa Clara Valley Chapter over the years, including President and Rare Plant Chair. He was also active at the state level and was honored as a CNPS Fellow in 2011. Along with his wife, Carolyn Curtis, he participated in the campaign to make Edgewood Park a natural preserve, and went on to advocate successfully for preservation status for Coyote Ridge in San Jose, another rare plant hotspot.

Those of us in CNPS who worked with Don over the years know that a mere list of his activities doesn’t capture the whole story – he inspired and encouraged all of us to advocate fearlessly for the protection of native plants. We will miss him greatly!

You may visit this memorial website that was assembled by Don’s family. It includes many wonderful photos and memories of Don. You are invited to post your memories there.don mayall san antonio.cap

don mayall cnps fellow presentationdon mayall toni corelli learning to gps

Chapter Guidelines Update 2016

Our chapter guidelines are like our constitution – the basic rules for how we are organized and how we perform our activities.  The previous version was last updated in 2005.  Periodic updating is always needed, but it is sufficiently labor intensive that the intent is to make the new version a good fit for 5-10 years.  The board approved a draft version at our October 13 meeting.  Our members voted to approve the draft at our November 12 Member’s meeting.

You can view the new guidelines or download a copy as a PDF.  You can also leave a message at our chapter phone 650.260.3450 and we can mail them to you.  The main changes are:

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Upcoming Events

Thu Jul 18 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
CNPS SCV Board Meeting
Fri Jul 19 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Friday Edgewood Restoration
Sat Jul 20 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Jul 20 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
Tue Jul 23 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
Native Plant ID
Thu Jul 25 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Gardening for Monarch Butterflies, a talk by Shelkie Tao
Fri Jul 26 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Friday Edgewood Restoration
Fri Jul 26 @ 7:00PM - 08:50PM
Photography Group - Photo Sharing Meeting
Sat Jul 27 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Jul 27 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park