CNPS SCV Blazing Star Logo
California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter


What's in Bloom?

Native Plants

  • California Native Plant Society (CNPS)
  • CalFlora Database. This database contains geographic and ecological distribution information for California vascular plant taxa, as well as additional habitat information for rare taxa and species of the Sierra Nevada. It was compiled from two major sources, an electronic transcription of distribution and lifeform data from A California Flora and Supplement (Munz 1959 and 1968) and the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California (Skinner and Pavlick 1994, electronic version).
  • Cal Academy California Wildflowers and photos (no longer maintained)
  • Almaden Quicksilver County Park Wildflowers. Charles T. Rettner has put together a collection of some of the flowers to look out for. You can begin by picking a color, then chose from the list of flowers on the individual color pages. Clicking on the thumbnail of a given flower will link you to a page about that flower. Alternatively, you can go to the list of Almaden wildflowers.
  • California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a "natural heritage program." It provides location and natural history information on special status plants, animals, and natural communities. 
  • CalPhotos Plants CalPhotos has been on the web since 1995 and was one of the first online image databases specializing in natural history subjects.
  •  Native Plants of Montara Mountain
  •  Native Habitats (Georgia Stigall)
  •  Native Plants Journal. Information about planting and growing North American (Canada, Mexico, and the United States) native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and related uses. A cooperative effort of the USDA Forest Service and the University of Idaho. Subscription required.


Invasive Plant Control


Other Resources

  • California Native Grasslands Association (
  • Santa Cruz Mountains Bioregional Council ( SCMBC is a biodiversity planning and conservation group for the Santa Cruz Mountains bioregion.
  • The Natural Resources Database ( is an inventory of plant and animal resources on open space and natural preserves in the San Francisco Bay Area. a compilation of observations of flora and fauna made at open space and nature preserves in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. The database can be searched for available data on flora, mammals, birds, and reptiles-amphibians-fishes seen at one or more preserves. The database was designed and implemented by Dennis H. Smith, who maintains the data. Bill Korbholz adapted the database for Internet use and designed and implemented the web interface.
  • San Francisco Bay Area EcoAtlas. Produced by the San Francisco Estuary Institute, this site has great maps of historic or potential vegetation around the bay, an extensive article on introduced plants in the baylands, and also a 1990s survey of fish in most of the streams that drain to the San Francisco Bay.
  • EcoNet serves organizations and individuals working for environmental preservation and sustainability. 
  • Common Ground Environmental Videos

The sites on this page have been recommended by chapter members. Many additional resources are available at

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