CNPS SCV Blazing Star Logo
California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter


2021 CNPS SCV Native Plant Lecture Series Archive


The CNPS SCV Native Plant Lecture Series was started during the pandemic in 2020. It covers a wide range of native plant related topics -- conservation, rare plants, gardening, plant science, tours of botanical hot spots, and more. The talks were live presentations followed by Q&As with the viewing audience. 

View past talks on our YouTube channel:

Project 467

Project 467 Update: Enhancing Native Plant Diversity at Edgewood, Stuart B. Weiss Ph.D.

December 8, 2021

Edgewood Natural Preserve near Redwood City is famous for its flower-filled serpentine grasslands. But the 467 acres of Edgewood support great biodiversity in the chaparral, oak woodlands, and grasslands on more fertile soils. The 100+ acres of fertile grasslands are by far the most weed-invaded habitat, and have been the focus of successful control of “macroweeds.” Learn how the Friends of Edgewood and Creekside Science are pursuing the goal of decreasing “microweeds” and increasing native cover and diversity.

A Rapid Assessment Plot (RAP) inventory with over 80 plots documented more than 90 native species in the fertile grasslands, albeit often at low cover. They are investigating treatments to reduce annual weed seedlings just after germination, including hydromechanical pulverization (HMP) -- basically pressure washing the grassland, and close-mowing with string cutters.

Besides commercially available local seeds, they are using more than 15 species of “boutique” seeds grown at Edgewood Farms and the Native Garden. They are trying to develop a long-term “indigenous” approach to restoration, whereby a beautiful, colorful diversity of native plants is established and can spread naturally given occasional management. Dr Weiss will be presenting the exciting first year results and the second year scaling up.

Stu Weiss, Ph.D. (Stanford University) is Chief Scientist of Creekside Science, which provides scientific and conservation expertise to diverse organizations as they cope with the rapidly changing 21st Century environment. He has researched the Bay checkerspot butterfly and serpentine grasslands since 1979, and has authored numerous scientific papers concerning climate/microclimate, population dynamics, nitrogen deposition, and conservation ecology. Creekside Science executes many hands-on restoration projects, including butterfly reintroductions, propagation of endangered plants, and habitat monitoring and management. His research and advocacy were instrumental in the development of the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan, and he is Science Advisor for the Bay Area Conservation Lands Network. For more information see

This talk will be live streamed on Zoom (requires advance registration) and YouTube (registration NOT required).

Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 7:30pm

Kate Marianchild

California’s Oaks and Their Countless Relations, a talk by Kate Marianchild

California’s magnificent oaks support more life forms than any plant species in the state. In a presentation filled with wildlife  ̶  from spiders and lizards to woodpeckers, woodrats, and bears - author and naturalist Kate Marianchild will discuss the vital role oaks play in food webs. We’ll learn about co-evolutionary connections between oaks and caterpillars, jays, and lichens, and we’ll marvel at the tiny wasps who bend enormous oaks to their bidding. As Kate shares stories of oak woodland species, we’ll fight with woodpeckers for mating opportunities, crawl through woodrat houses looking for rattlesnakes, and plummet to the ground with squirrels as they use their tails as both parachutes and landing pads. Before the talk, try to collect an acorn with its cap from at least two kinds of oak. If you can, also spend some time watching birds, lizards, squirrels or other animals in or around oaks. (Please collect your acorns only from places where you have permission to collect.) This talk is geared especially for middle school and high schoolers; adults will find it engaging as well.
Kate Marianchild is the author of the award winning bestseller Secrets of the Oak Woodlands: Plants and Animals among California’s Oaks (Heyday, 2014). With humor, affection, and scientific accuracy, Kate profiles the behaviors, social structures, and interrelationships of twenty-two species found in California’s oak woodlands.Kate lives in a yurt near Ukiah surrounded by six kinds of oak and abundant wildlife. Go to to purchase a signed copy of her book, close-focus binoculars, and/or oak identification

This talk will be live streamed on Zoom (requires advance registration) and YouTube (registration NOT required).

Recent Talks

Michael Kauffmann

Botanizing the Bigfoot Trail, a talk by Michael Kauffmann

November 6, 2021

Watch on YouTube

Did you know that the Klamath Mountains of northwest California and southwest Oregon are one of the most biodiverse temperate mountain ranges on Earth? In fact, 32 species of conifers and over 3,500 taxa of plants call this area home! The Bigfoot Trail traverses this amazing mountain range and celebrates the region’s plant diversity. Join educator, ecologist, and author Michael Kauffmann, who first hiked the Bigfoot Trail in 2009, for a virtual 360- mile hiking tour. He will highlight the conifer diversity as well as some of the exceptional flowering plants that call this region home, with spectacular pictures and intriguing stories.

Michael Kauffmann is a kindergarten through college educator in Humboldt County where he lives with his wife and two young boys. He has served as an ecologist with the CNPS Vegetation Program mapping rare conifers including whitebark pine, yellow-cedar, Pacific silver fir, and bigcone Douglas-fir. He is also the author of Conifer County, Conifers of the Pacific Slope, and Field Guide to Manzanitas.

DSC01212 redbud california fuschia cropped

Water Resilience in the Garden, a talk by Radhika Thekkath

October 20, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

As the climate swings unpredictably year to year, causing early spring floods and summer drought in the Western United States, it makes sense to understand and implement established ways to manage the rainfall on our properties. Whether we live on a small suburban lot or run a small farm on multiple acres, these techniques allow us to be resilient in the face of uncertain rainfall. We can thus begin a process of building predictability into our summer gardens, regardless of whether we have a native pollinator garden, grow fruits and vegetables, or do both. This talk will focus on techniques such as rainwater collection systems, as well as ways to slow and stop the flow of water on our ground so that our soil is better saturated when it does rain. It is possible to actively compensate for a lower rainfall in the winter so that it has a smaller impact on our summer gardens.
Radhika Thekkath is a retired computer scientist and active member of our Chapter who has been gardening with native plants for over ten years. She recently returned to California after a three-year stay in Washington state. Her more recent work includes active forestry management and stewardship as well as sustainable building with cob and straw bale. She is a certified permaculture designer.

DSC01212 redbud california fuschia cropped

Maintaining Your Late Summer / Fall Native Plant Garden, a Panel Talk

October 6, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Late summer and fall are a time of rest for most native plant gardens. As we hope for rain, it is the time to tidy the garden and prune in preparation for cooler temperatures. Stephanie Morris, Lior Dahan, Patricia Evans and Madeline Morrow will share their garden maintenance routines. Bring your questions and any ideas you may want to share with others during a group discussion.
Stephanie Morris is a landscape architect with a focus on native plant designs that respond to aesthetics, functionality and ecology. Lior Dahan has a degree in environmental horticulture and owns Rhythmic Gardening, an ecological garden maintenance company with a focus on working with nature to heal soil, grow healthy plants and appreciate the wildlife in our gardens. Patricia Evans, owner of Natural Landscape Design, specializes in native plants and sustainable landscaping. Madeline Morrow is a past President of our CNPS Chapter and current board member. Her garden was featured in Bay Nature magazine in March 2013 and has been on the Growing Natives Garden Tour for many years. 

Zac Harlow

The Distinctive Landscape of Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, a talk by Zac Harlow

September 15, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

UC Berkeley’s Blue Oak Ranch Reserve is a nature reserve and biological field station located in one of California’s iconic landscapes: the oak savannah and woodlands of the Diablo Range.  In this talk, Zac Harlow will discuss some of the flora and natural history that makes this region special; the interesting research, field courses and groups that utilize the reserve; and some of the challenges of managing for biodiversity in a changing climate.  About half of the 3,280 acres of the reserve were burned in the 2020 SCU Lightning Complex fire and Zac will discuss these impacts as well as the surprising resiliency of this special landscape.UC Berkeley’s Blue Oak Ranch Reserve is a nature reserve and biological field station located in one of California’s iconic landscapes: the oak savannah and woodlands of the Diablo Range.  In this talk, Zac Harlow will discuss some of the flora and natural history that makes this region special; the interesting research, field courses and groups that utilize the reserve; and some of the challenges of managing for biodiversity in a changing climate.  About half of the 3,280 acres of the reserve were burned in the 2020 SCU Lightning Complex fire and Zac will discuss these impacts as well as the surprising resiliency of this special landscape.

Zac Harlow is committed to the idea that field stations can bring communities and nature together in meaningful and important ways.  He is the resident director of Blue Oak Ranch Reserve and has worked to grow and diversify the user base over the last five years.  His love of field stations runs deep.  He lived on a station in Grand Teton National Park for many summers during his teens and twenties and is familiar with many more.  Since moving to California in 2007, he has worked for the San Diego Zoo’s Wildlife Alliance, received his Ph.D. from UCLA and taught classes at Cal State LA and Cal State East Bay.

Elaine Salinger DA71D320 2297 41C2 9CFD A8B92DD030FC

San Mateo Habitat Garden with Rainwater Collection and Storage, a Talk by Elaine Salinger

September 8, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Elaine Salinger’s yard has been transformed from ivy and non-natives to an almost 100% native habitat garden over the last twenty years.  She will illustrate how she and her husband have done this while incorporating the following principle: what happens in the garden, stays in the garden.  She’ll cover how to use everything you prune as mulch and how to use larger tree branches to build paths and trails; how to collect rainwater and groundwater, store it, and use it in the garden; and the benefits of using rock mulch and garden trimmings as mulch, rather than purchasing bark mulch.  Elaine will highlight some of her favorite plants on the upper, landscaped yard including fifteen of the manzanitas, the frog pond and the riparian area surrounding the pond. 
The property adjoins serpentine open space, and Elaine will show the transformation of the lower hillside, where she has removed the non-native invasive plants, allowing the local natives to propagate.  Elaine and her husband are also dog lovers, and Elaine will briefly offer tips about how to have a dog friendly native yard.
Elaine Salinger is a retired veterinarian who lives in San Mateo.  She is passionate about native plants, animals, climate change action, political engagement and making the most of every day.  The quote that best describes her comes from E.B. White, “I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time.  Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.” 

Arvind Kumar LisaMyers8 2021 croppedHow to Attract Wild Birds to your Garden a talk by Lisa Myers

September 1, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Birds have evolved to live in specific habitats and eat specific food items, from seeds and nectar to bugs and mammals. We will talk about what people can do to attract more birds to their gardens and how to provide the ideal environment for their wild birds to thrive. A native plant garden is exactly what native birds would prefer. Lisa will talk about the different bird species that are most commonly found in our neighborhoods, the time of year we can expect them and what resources are available to help you identify your birds.

Lisa Myers took her passion for bird watching and created her business “Let’s Go Birding,” where for decades she has led bird tours and taught birding classes throughout the Bay Area and beyond. She also owns the Los Gatos Birdwatcher where she and her staff answer customer questions about the birds in their gardens and how best to attract them


Elaine Salinger DA71D320 2297 41C2 9CFD A8B92DD030FCClimate Change: What Works and What You Can Do, a talk by Elaine Salinger

August 25, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

What is the most effective solution to climate change? Why is it the most effective solution? How can the US enact this solution in a way that encourages the rest of the world to do the same? Is this a real possibility within the next eight months? And what can you do in less than two minutes a day to help?  Although you can participate on your phone, the video is an important part of the presentation. 

Elaine Salinger is a retired veterinarian living in San Mateo. She has been growing native plants for 15 years and has hosted many native plant garden tours. She has been interested in climate change action for 25 years, and has been an active member of Citizens Climate Lobby for 6 years. Over the last 3 years, she has been mentoring high school students and giving presentations on climate change action. As the problem becomes more urgent, she is doing more outreach, volunteering over 40 hours/week, and offering zoom meetings on climate change solutions and action several times a week.

eggerPaintbrushes in Peril: Rare Castilleja Species of North America, a talk by Mark Egger

 August 18, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Of the approximately 200 species of the genus Castilleja, many are common, widespread and often conspicuous components of our native flora. However, there are also many species in the genus that are rare and declining due to a variety of causes, as well as many others that are extremely range-limited due to their stringent habitat requirements. Many of these species are seriously threatened with extinction from a variety of mostly human-caused factors, including global warming and resultant climate changes. Fortunately, there are also some remarkable success stories, including the strong recovery of several species that were nearly extinct but recovered once the sources of their decline were eliminated. The program will include photos from Mark’s 37 years of field work studying paintbrushes and their relatives.

Mark Egger is a retired science educator, a research associate at the WTU Herbarium in Seattle (Washington Territory University), and a member of CNPS, WNPS (Washington Native Plant Society), and NPSO (Native Plant Society of Oregon). He has published numerous papers and flora treatments for the genus Castilleja, including a number of new species and varieties, and he is the lead author for Castilleja in the recently-published Vol. 17 of the Flora of North America. He also maintains a Flickr site with over 56,000 images of his botanical photos collected from travels over the last 37 years, centered around Castilleja and related genera.

Susan Karasoff Zerene eurydice deerweed icosahedronGardening for Butterflies and Caterpillars, a talk by Susan Karasoff

August 11, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Professor Doug Tallamy and his students demonstrated that caterpillars and the native plants with which the caterpillars co-evolved are the base of our food web. Our local butterflies are charismatic examples of insects with a caterpillar phase. We’ll discuss who our local butterflies are and how we can use their local native plants to enhance our gardens.

Susan Karasoff gardens in San Francisco’s clay soil. Susan is a member of the California Native Plant Society - Yerba Buena (San Francisco) chapter. She brings an an “only the easiest plants survive” approach to gardening. Susan grows a buffet of colorful native edible and pollinator plants, specifically gardening to feed caterpillars, bees, hummingbirds and people.

IMG 4033 dudleya potContainer Gardening with Native Plants, a talk by Pete Veilleux

August 4, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Dress up the smallest of spaces using native plants in containers. Containers allow you to provide exactly the right soil, sun, and drainage conditions for those picky natives that you’ve always wanted to grow. See how creative you can be recycling pots and combining different textures and color for an ever-changing garden display. 

Pete Veilleux is a master designer, nurseryman, and photographer. He creates gardens using native plants for long-lasting landscapes that help people get the maximum use and pleasure from their patch of earth. He is the owner and propagator of East Bay Wilds Native Plant Nursery ( in Oakland, and a tireless advocate of native gardening.

ben carterConservation of a Rare Redwood Forest Endemic, Dudley's Lousewort, a talk by Ben Carter

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

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Dudley's Lousewort (Pedicularis dudleyi, Orobanchaceae) is a rare redwood forest endemic known only from two widely separated populations in San Mateo and Monterey counties. In this talk, we'll discuss ongoing efforts to understand the pollination, seed dispersal and other important life-history characteristics as well as providing an overview of surprising genetic results that provide insight into the evolutionary history of the species.

Ben Carter is an Associate Professor of Biology and the Director of the Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium at San Jose State University. His current research focuses on biogeography of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts & hornworts), conservation of rare plants and studies in the evolution and ecology of flower color.

JHammond LFayeProtecting San Francisco Bay from Invasive Spartina, a talk by Jeanne Hammond and Lindsay Faye Domecus

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

San Francisco Bay is more than the geographic feature that defines our region. It is home to hundreds of types of fish, birds, and other wildlife. It provides food (it once provided a lot more). It’s an aquatic mood stone that goes from slate grey on a cloudy day to sparkling emerald and sapphire on a sunny day. (And, yes, it smells kind of bad sometimes, too.) Unknown by many, it the largest estuary on the west coast of North America, in a league with Chesapeake Bay on the east coast and the Mississippi Delta on the gulf coast. Whether riding on a bike or watching birds or having a BBQ, we are fortunate to have this amazing place in our backyard. And we’re not the only ones: millions of birds use the Bay as a critical stopover point when the migrate along the Pacific Flyway each year. They get food and shelter from the saltmarshes and tidal mudflats. But these places are under threat, not just from sea level rise but also from invasive plants. Back in the last century, well-meaning engineers planted Atlantic cordgrass for erosion control. Then it began to spread and damage marshes. Since 2005, the Coastal Conservancy’s Invasive Spartina Project has used airboats, genetic testing, sophisticated GIS, and a lot of hard work to push back the invasive cordgrass. Learn about how hometown heroes are doing their part to address the global biodiversity crisis.

This talk will be given by Jeanne Hammond, ISP Restoration Program Manager with the Invasive Spartina Project and Lindsay Faye Domecus, Environmental Biologist.

helen popper book coverCalifornia Native Gardening—Month by Month, a talk by Helen Popper

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

A year in the California garden is different from a year gardening anywhere else. In this talk, Helen Popper will explain the keys to California’s garden rhythms and discuss approaches to maintaining your native garden.

Helen Popper is the author of California Native Gardening, A Month-by-Month Guide. She has been honored as one of the ten best garden authors of California by Live Outside. Having collected the insights of dozens of dedicated professional and amateur native gardeners, she’s delighted to pass them along.

sheet mulchingConverting Your Lawn with Sheet Mulching, a talk by Radhika Thekkath

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

This sheet mulching handout describes the process discussed in the talk.

Do you have a traditional lawn that you would like to convert to a native garden with habitat value and long-term drought resilience? Come learn a simple technique that you can immediately put into practice and start planting your native plant garden this Fall. Radhika's lawn area was sheet mulched years ago and is now a thriving native pollinator meadow giving joy to birds, bees, butterflies and the family.

Radhika Thekkath is a retired computer scientist who has been gardening with native plants and has been an active member of our Chapter for over ten years. She recently returned to California after a three year stay in Washington state. Her more recent work includes active forestry management and stewardship as well as sustainable building with cob and straw bale. She is a certified permaculture designer.

DSC00639 tiberon mariposa lily croppedBay Area Rare Plants – A nine-county photo tour, a talk by David Greenberger

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

This talk takes viewers on a whirlwind trip around the Bay, presenting photography and commentary on rare species ranging from the iconic to the very obscure.  The nine counties that touch San Francisco Bay will each have time in the spotlight, with several plants featured for each.

David Greenberger is fortunate to work as a botanist and conservationist on Mt. Tamalpais, a small coastal peak in Marin County whose watersheds cradle a flora of over 1,000 species.  He’s spent the last six+ years with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and has also done stints with the Marin Municipal Water District and Point Blue Conservation Science.  He serves as Rare Plant Chair for CNPS Marin Chapter.  His plant expertise centers in the San Francisco Bay Area, but he’s obsessed with biodiversity, novelty, and rarity across the state and beyond.

P5141074Rosewood Medicinal Native Garden, a talk by Radhika Thekkath

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

This talk will feature an in-depth visit to the Rosewood Medicinal Native Garden, one of the gardens on the 2021 Going Native Garden Tour. Come on a tour to a suburban garden stocked with native plants valued for their medicinal value. The Rosewood Palo Alto garden is about 12 years old, converted from non-native grass to native plant areas. The garden features a pond with waterfall and bathing area for birds and wildlife, a native pollinator meadow, edible fruits, and a compost area. The tour will be followed by a question and answer session with the garden owner. This talk is part of the 2021 Going Native Garden Tour, which started in April, and is providing virtual tours throughout the year. Register for the tour at to receive updates on upcoming tour activities.

Radhika Thekkath is a retired computer scientist who has been gardening with native plants and has been an active member of our Chapter for over ten years. She recently returned to California after a three year stay in Washington state. Her more recent work includes active forestry management and stewardship as well as sustainable building with cob and straw bale. She is a certified permaculture designer.

IMG 8009 nikki croppedFire Resilient Landscaping with Native Plants, a talk by Nikki Hanson

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

With increasing drought and fire risk, gardening and land management in the wildland urban interface (WUI) can seem daunting.  In this talk, Nikki will address six elements of firesafe landscaping to consider when trying to tackle this hot topic: where to plant, what to plant, spacing between plants, break up continuity in the garden, maintenance, irrigation. We will have lots of time for questions as we break down the pieces to creating a landscape that is beautiful, resilient, and habitat friendly.

Nikki Hansen brings a breadth of experience to her landscaping and land management approach. With 17 years working in native plant nurseries, and a dozen years working as an educator in various capacities, she hopes to help home gardeners and rural residents be more equipped to foster a fire resilient landscape. Prior to starting her new business, California Sisters Landscapes, she had a variety of roles at the local non-profit Grassroots Ecology, including Environmental Educator and Nursery Manager. Nikki has an B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UC Santa Cruz. She has experience in plant science, including her own graduate research on native milkweed production at the University of Idaho.

staff a williamsWildflowers of the Bay Area, a talk by Andrea Williams

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Wildflower season in the Bay Area is upon us, but even seasoned hikers and naturalists can get confused by the diversity of beautiful flowers we have in our area.  To help you progress in your native wildflower knowledge, Andrea Williams, CNPS’ Director of Biodiversity Initiatives, will provide an overview of the most common wildflowers in our area during this webinar.  She’ll go over how to identify these flowers and share interesting natural history details about each.  We’ll also share about some of the community science work CNPS is leading to protect our state’s amazing plant biodiversity.

Andrea Williams has two decades of experience in science-based public lands management: monitoring rare plants and plant communities, carrying out project compliance surveys, mapping and removing invasive plants and responding to landscape-level threats.  She has worked in partnership to design indicators, metrics, status and trends for land health; lead volunteers in botanical inventories; improve the quality and quantity of data submitted to California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB); and teach plant identification, field methods and invasive plant management planning.

This talk will be live streamed on YouTube.

SMorris Bio Photo 200pxFrom Trails to Gardens: Celebrating Local Native Plants, a talk by Stephanie Morris

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

For many of us, hiking has activated an interest in gardening with California native plants.  This talk explores many of our locally native plants in Santa Clara Valley through hiking photos and compares native plants in our wildlands with their counterparts in gardens. What unusual plants are growing closer to us than we think and where can we see them?  What do we learn about how to grow natives from seeing them in their natural setting?  Do plants look different or respond in unexpected ways when grown under garden conditions? A plant list of California natives seen on local trails that also thrive when grown in gardens will be shared, along with many inspirational home garden and wildland trail photos.

Stephanie Morris has been working in the field of Landscape Architecture for 25 years.  She enjoys creating designs that respond to aesthetics, functionality, and ecology  ̶  with emphasis on California native plants, healthy soil, water-conservation, and environmentally-conscious materials.

pengar26 croppedThe Penney Garden: A Transformation Story, a talk by Janine Penney

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

View this talk on YouTube.

Many years ago, the Penneys stopped watering their lawn and caring for the soil.  Most of the established non-native plants did well on only rainwater, but the rest of the yard became compacted and overgrown with Bermuda grass. This talk is part of the 2021 Going Native Garden Tour, which is providing virtual tours throughout the year.  Register for the tour at to get updates on upcoming tour activities. View this garden's tour site at 

Janine Penney will walk us through the one-year process that has transformed the compacted dirt yard to a young native garden.  She designed the garden with wildlife in mind, with foundation plants that mature to different levels to provide food, shelter and nesting areas.  Visitors can’t help but notice the two raised vegetable beds among the native plants, which provide vegetables and edible (non-native) flowers.  There is also a small pond with native bog plants.

Janine Penney has over 20 years of experience in K-12 education and amateur gardening.  She became obsessed with California native gardening over the last few years.

ryan odell 200pxFlora of the San Joaquin Desert, a talk by Ryan O’Dell

Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Located in the southern Central Valley, the San Joaquin Desert is the smallest, least recognized and most imperiled true desert in North America, with less than 40% of its original area remaining. The desert was not formally described until 1995 and didn’t gain recognition by the scientific community until 2011. The San Joaquin Desert is floristically distinct with 37 near-endemic and 40 strictendemic plant species. Nearly half of the species are imperiled and listed as endangered, threatened, rare or watch status. This presentation will delve into why it took so long for the San Joaquin to be recognized as a desert, how it is both climatically and floristically similar to the Mojave Desert and what we can do to conserve what little of it remains.

Ryan O’Dell has been a Natural Resource Specialist with the BLM Central Coast Field Office for 14 years. His primary duties include rare plant survey and endangered plant species monitoring and recovery in the central Inner South Coast Ranges and San Joaquin Desert.

J 1125dGardening for Native Bees, a talk by John Kehoe

Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

We all know about the European honeybee, but what about the native bees that live here in Santa Clara Valley? These local insects help pollinate our ornamental and edible plants, too! Once you know what to look for, you’ll learn to recognize over a dozen bee species that live in our urban setting ̶ especially among locally-growing native plants. Find out how planting even a few select natives can enrich your garden and attract even more bees.

John Kehoe is a longtime member of CNPS as well as the Xerces Society. He is passionate about the natural world and is a lead volunteer as well as a board member of the nonprofit Ulistac Natural Area Restoration and Education Project (UNAREP). He is also a regular volunteer at various CNPS functions. His research interests include studying native bees and their relationships with native plants. He shares these interests by way of his photography on Flickr, CalPhotos, Bumble Bee Watch, and on his YouTube channel, He frequently posts on iNaturalist, especially on the California Pollination Project.

Juanita SNative Plant Pollinators, a talk by Juanita Salisbury

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Join Landscape Architect Juanita Salisbury to learn fascinating details about native plant pollinators. Juanita will share details about specific pollinator relationships with California native plants and methods for attracting more pollinators to your garden. She will also share information about several public California native pollinator gardens she has spearheaded in Palo Alto. The focus for designing a habitat is productivity and resiliency and methods to achieve both will be discussed. “Form follows function” in the most general sense, is one of the guiding principles for a resilient habitat. Best practices for optimizing the functions of various plants and other habitat items will be discussed, as well as how to avoid creating an ecological trap. These methods are easily implemented and flexible so that they can be shared and built upon.

Juanita Salisbury, Ph.D., is a licensed landscape architect who grew up in exploring wild spaces in California and Oregon. She started gardening at around age thirteen and has been inspired by the beauty of gardens and nature ever since. With degrees in psychology, biopsychology, and landscape architecture, Juanita has established her own design firm focused on ecologically friendly, drought-tolerant planting.

kk truck 200pxMeadowlands Garden Tour, a talk by Krzysztof Kozminski

Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Meadowlands, a private residential garden in San Jose, has been cultivated for over 20 years, starting from a lifeless patch of subsoil, stripped bare during the house construction in 1996. Initially it was planted as a mix of native and exotic drought-tolerant plants. From about the year 2000 onwards, only native plants were added. Currently, the garden is at least 95% California native, and boasts a collection of over 300 species and cultivars of California natives. The main feature of the garden is a large collection of California lilacs (ceanothus), with over 60 different species and cultivars, most of them having grown to mature size. Ceanothus seedlings have volunteered in the garden in recent years; most of them are unique hybrids and about 50 of these have reached flowering stage. The wide variety of native plans and large brush piles attract numerous wildlife. Visitors include jackrabbits, skunks, lizards, frogs, toads, snakes and many birds and insects. Several years ago, a covey of California quail made its home in the thickets of big saltbush (Atriplex lentiformis) and other low-growing shrubs. The garden is frequently on the Going Native Garden Tour (

Krzysztof Kozminski, aka KK, is a software engineer by profession (Ph.D. in electrical engineering, 1985). His hobbies are collecting and photographing plants and growing clay-tolerant native California species in his garden in San Jose. He is an active member and co-founder of the Going Native Garden Tour Steering Committee and created and maintains the Tour’s website. Krzys was the recipient of our Chapter’s 2020 Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Krantz BotGarden 200pxSaving Wildflowers: How to be a More Effective Rare Plant Advocate, a talk by Dr. Tim Krantz

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

This talk is cosponsored by the East Bay Chapter and our Chapter of CNPS. Rare plants are like canaries in coal mines: they are indicator species of environmental impacts to their respective ecosystems, which, if ignored or left unattended, could result in the destruction of those unique habitats. Each one has its own story of endangerment: from the Presidio manzanita, with only one naturally occurring specimen in the wild but reproduced from cuttings in the native nursery trade; to the Cushenbury buckwheat, restricted to limestone soils and threatened by mining; to the slender-horned spineflower, once common on alluvial fans in Southern California and now extremely endangered by sand and gravel mining and urban development. And they need your help! From more than 40 years of environmental impact assessment experience, Dr. Krantz will share some tricks of the rare plant protection trade, including a citizen’s guide to the California Environmental Quality Act and Federal and State Endangered Species Acts, as they pertain to rare plant conservation. Anyone can adopt a local rarity, become familiar with its natural history and testify before a local agency as an “expert witness” on the rare plant’s behalf. You too can become a “Wildflower Warrior!”

Dr. Tim Krantz’s day job is Professor and Chair of the Environmental Studies Department at the University of Redland. At his “moonlight job” he serves as the founding director of the Southern California Montane Botanic Garden at The Wildlands Conservancy’s Oak Glen Preserve. He is an authority on the flora of the San Bernardino Mountains, which was the subject of his dissertation from U.C. Berkeley. He is also an authority on the Salton Sea, when he served as the Salton Sea Database Program Director under the auspices of then-Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt. He is an avid birder, but his particular passion is conserving rare and endangered plants. He has been cited on the listing petitions of 15 rare, threatened or endangered species.

Tim's talk will be preceded by the recipient of the 2020-2021 Donald Mayall Conservation Graduate Research Scholarship, Martin Purdy from the Claremont Graduate School / California Botanic Garden. Martin has been exploring the flora of the Coyote Ridge area, a 50 square mile alpine-subalpine site located in northwest Inyo County for the past year.  This year, he will continue to document the diversity and distribution of vascular and nonvascular plant species, publish a voucher-based checklist of plants occurring there, and provide this information to the Inyo National Forest and California Natural Diversity Database. The primary recipient of his plant vouchers will be the California Botanic Garden Herbarium with duplicate sets sent to other regional herbaria.

                               Growing and Appreciating California Succulents in Gardens and in the Wild,  a talk by Paul Heiple 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021,  7:30pm 

This talk can be viewed on YouTube.

A few pieces of California native succulents from a CNPS wildflower show prompted geologist and restorationist Paul Heiple to add many California natives to his large collection of “foreign” succulents. Soon he was deep into dudleyas, sedums, lewisias, cacti and yuccas. Paul will share the excitement of finding these beautiful plants in the wild and he will explain how he grows them.

Paul Heiple is the Grassroots Ecology Botanist Emeritus. A retired petroleum geologist who spent his career exploring for oil in the Williston Basin of North Dakota, he now focuses on the smaller landscapes of Jasper Ridge and nearby Pearson-Arastradero Preserve and Edgewood Preserve. Paul has served as chair of the Conservation Committee of the Town of Portola Valley, co-chair of the San Mateo County Weed Management Area and as our Chapter’s Treasurer. He is active with the California Invasive Plant Council and mentors local Boy Scout troops. He also leads the long-running, effective weed warrior effort at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve, a famous serpentine grassland reserve near Redwood City.

Radhika face 200pxGetting Started with Native Plants, a talk by Radhika Thekkath 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Handouts: Plant List, Slides

Learn the advantages of incorporating even a few native plants into a Bay Area suburban garden. Whether the homeowner wants to put in three native plants in a small bed or convert the entire front yard, it is never easy to know where to start. This talk takes the fear out of this unfamiliar botanic world. With lots of photos and a list of just 22 plants of varying sizes, colors and shapes, the problem is made tractable. The chosen plants are easy to grow, maintain and water, and do well in the clay soil of our San Francisco Bay Area. 

Radhika Thekkath is a retired computer scientist who has been gardening with native plants and has been an active member of our Chapter for over ten years. She recently returned to California after a three year stay in Washington state. Her more recent work includes active forestry management and stewardship as well as sustainable building with cob and straw bale. She is currently completing an in-depth course in permaculture design.

Dee Himes    Taking Close Up Plant ID pictures with a Camera Phone, a talk by Dee Himes

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Plant identification in the field can be challenging, and capturing clear pictures of the parts of a plant that you’ll need for later identification can be a frustrating exercise. Dee Himes will show you how to take quality close-ups with an iPhone and ōlloclip® lens adapter, and help understand what features of plants are needed to identify a plant from pictures. You’ll never have to return home and be disappointed that your pictures are missing features or are too fuzzy to use.Plant identification in the field can be challenging, and capturing clear pictures of the parts of a plant that you’ll need for later identification can be a frustrating exercise. Dee Himes will show you how to take quality close-ups with an iPhone and ōlloclip® lens adapter, and help understand what features of plants are needed to identify a plant from pictures. You’ll never have to return home and be disappointed that your pictures are missing features or are too fuzzy to use.

Dee has been a CNPS member since the early 2000s, and served as our Chapter treasurer (2012-2014) as well as field trip chair (2014-2016). She’s currently serving on both the state CNPS and our Chapter’s board of directors. Dee has a passion for horticulture and photography and combines this love by photographing plants in their natural environment.

san bruno headshots 20210216The Natural History of San Bruno Mountain, a talk by David Nelson and Doug Allshouse

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

San Bruno Mountain is possibly the best undiscovered natural area in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Thirteen rare and endangered plants, including six endemics, call the mountain their home. Four federally threatened or endangered butterflies live and breed here, the only place on Earth where they all co-exist. All told, there are 42 species of butterflies, 200 species of birds, 16 mammals, 13 reptiles and 6 amphibians. The mountain is a mélange of plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates that celebrate the incredible diversity that once existed within our state; a diversity that is vanishing at an astonishing rate, but that is being fiercely protected by people who simply refuse to allow it to disappear on the mountain. This talk will show you some of the natural wonders of this State and County Park and federallyprotected nature reserve and biological hotspot.

David Nelson is an orthopedic hand surgeon who has long been a student of nature. He took a CNPS tour of San Bruno Mountain led by Doug Allshouse in 2013 and was hooked by the beauty of the mountain and Doug’s talent for explaining nature. When he proposed doing a book on the mountain to Doug, he discovered that Doug was already working on one and welcomed his participation. Doug Allshouse lives on San Bruno Mountain, 100 feet below the Saddle Trail, and has been exploring, studying, and recording their natural history since 1981. He was a founder and officer of Friends of San Bruno Mountain, beginning in 1996, as well as of the original Mission Blue Nursery in 2001. He has been working on a seven-year project with David Nelson writing an updated flora, The Natural History of the San Bruno Mountains.

Shelkie TaoGardening for Biodiversity with Native Plants, a talk by Shelkie Tao

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 7:30pm

View this talk on YouTube.

Native gardens provide so many benefits. They are beautiful, low water, low maintenance and support a wide variety of wildlife. A major advantage of native gardens is that they can be a great place to help us preserve biodiversity. 

California is a hotspot of biodiversity: it “is home to more species of plants and animals than any other state, and is home to about one third of all species found in the United States, including more rare plants than most states have plants.”  However, “More than 30% of California’s species are threatened with extinction.”

The good news is that our gardens can help restore and preserve biodiversity. By planting a wide variety of native plants, including those that are facing extinction, native plant gardens can support plant biodiversity while supporting a large number of insects, pollinators and other forms of wildlife.  In this meeting, Shelkie will talk about the biodiversity benefits of native plants, and go through some of the plants she uses in the gardens she designed.

Shelkie Tao is landscape designer and founder of, an online landscape design business that excels in low water and native plant garden designs. She is a sustainability-driven entrepreneur committed to developing water-saving and ecosystem-friendly solutions.  Prior to Water Efficient Gardens, Shelkie worked over 10 years in the high tech industry in Silicon Valley.  She received her Certificate of Achievement in Environmental Horticulture and Design from Foothill College, and MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA.

                               Maintaining Your Native Plant Garden, a panel talk

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Watch on YouTube

Winter is a time of renewal for native plant gardens. As we hope for winter rain, we are also on the alert for the weeds they bring while taking advantage of the cooler temperatures and moisture to plant, prune, and take care of other important gardening tasks. Stephanie Morris, Lior Dahan, Patricia Evans and Madeline Morrow will share their winter garden maintenance routines. Bring your questions and any ideas you may want to share with others during a group discussion, and get your garden ready for spring!

Stephanie Morris is a landscape architect focused on creating designs that respond to ecology, aesthetics, and functionality with emphasis on native plants, healthy soil, water-conservation, and environmentally-conscious materials..  Lior Dahan has a degree in environmental horticulture and owns Rhythmic Gardening, an ecological garden maintenance company with a focus on working with nature to heal soil, grow healthy plants, and appreciate the wildlife in our gardens. Patricia Evans, owner of Natural Landscape Design, specializes in native plants and sustainable landscaping. Madeline Morrow is a past President of our CNPS Chapter and current board member. Her garden was featured in Bay Nature magazine in March 2013 and has been on the Going Native Garden Tour for many years.

Kate Marianchild, credit Evan Johson

The Amazing Manzanita and All Her Relations, Kate Marianchild

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Watch on YouTube

Manzanita! The word conjures visions of curvy reddish limbs reaching upward and outward into the sky, a feast for the fingers as well as the eyes. But there is much more to this plant than its striking beauty, including its talent for thriving in tough conditions. Have you ever wondered how 193 species and subspecies have managed to emerge since manzanita first appeared on the central California coast 37 million years ago?

In January, when manzanitas of all shapes and sizes will be glowing with small white or pink flowers, author and naturalist Kate Marianchild will explain some of manzanita’s “mojo” ––its profound partnerships with fungi and bumblebees; its super-thin skin that both helps and hinders it; and its waxy leaves that follow the sun from dawn to dusk. She’ll tell stories about pollination in middle C; unscrupulous “nectar thieves,” and bark that peels around summer solstice. She’ll also emphasize manzanita’s vital role in the lives of animals––from ants and silk moths to birds and bears.

Kate Marianchild is the author of Secrets of the Oak Woodlands: Plants and Animals among California’s Oaks (Heyday, 2014). This award-winning bestseller is an engaging and beautifully illustrated romp through California’s most widespread habitat. With humor, affection, and scientific accuracy, Marianchild profiles the behaviors, social structures, anatomical marvels, and co-evolutionary relationships of twenty-two plants and animals found in California’s oak woodlands.

Marianchild lives in a yurt near Ukiah surrounded by acorn woodpeckers, woodrats, newts, and five kinds of oaks. When she is not giving talks, guiding walks, or observing nature, she swims, sings, and advocates for the preservation of native plants and the food webs that depend on them. More information, as well as the opportunity to purchase signed copies of her book, close-focus binoculars, and oak identification guides, at


2020 Talks

Natural Resources DataBase

What Is the Natural Resources DataBase?

The Natural Resources DataBase is a compilation of observations of flora and fauna made at open space and nature preserves and parks in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. The database can be searched for available data on flora, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes seen at one or more preserves. The database was designed and implemented by Dennis H. Smith, who also entered and maintains the data. Bill Korbholz adapted the database for Internet use and designed and implemented the web interface. The system was a popular source of lists for use in the field, and provided users with a wide variety of options -- including checklists, plant lists and more.

Although many of the preserves represented in the NRDB are a part of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, MROSD is not affiliated with the NRDB nor is the District responsible for the maintenance, quality, or accuracy of data represented by the NRDB. Collection of specimens on preserves represented in the NRDB requires special permission. Contact the managing agency for more information.

As of its last update on 3/31/2020, the database contained information on 4,510 plant and animal species found on 238 preserves within the greater San Francisco Bay Area. There have been 95,155 sightings recorded to date. Plant lists from NRDB have been copied to and Calflora.

Accessing NRDB lists on

All of the plant lists from are available on under Local Plant ID Lists. Lists from will include "List Source:" under the list name.

Accessing NRDB Observations at Calflora

Tens of thousands of NRDB observations have been transferred to Calflora. The focus of the NRDB is what species are observed at named preserves. The focus of Calflora is where named species have been observed. Calflora provides a mechanism for getting a plant list for a given preserve, but there are currently some caveats. Every species in Calflora is accompanied by observation records. Because NRDB data were entered into Calflora as checklists, you must check the 'include surveys/checklists' box on the Observation or Observation Hotline page. NRDB observations will appear withObserver = Staff, and Source = Natural Resources Database -



Chapter activities provide a wide range of opportunities for novice and experienced native plant enthusists to learn and enjoy the company of fellow plant lovers.

Tumy Hills 20160227

Field Trips: The chapter conducts many outings during the year to areas of botanical interest, usually in the local area, but also occasional overnights to exciting, far off places. Each trip is a good opportunity to explore new places and meet new friends.

Photography Group: A popular program dedicated to improving photographic skills. The group has a monthly meeting to share photographs. A good way to learn more about photography and our native plants, and very good entertainment!

Keying with Natives: Monthly meetings offer an opportunity to develop and practice plant identification skills.

Native Plant Lecture Series:: The CNPS SCV Native Plant Lecture Series has something for everyone -- whether you're curious about native plants, an experienced or aspiring native plant gardener or a professional botanist, you will find something to interest and educate you in our offerings. From gardening to plant science to conservation to tours of botanical hot spots, if you're interested in California's native plants, there's something here for you. We offer several lectures a month, usually on Wednesday evening.

Member Meetings: Our annual general meeting in November features a speaker of significant achievement. This meeting is open to members as well as the general public. In January, our Members' Night meeting provides a venue for members to share photos and socialize.

Botanizing in the State of Jefferson July, 2007

On June 30th, nearly 30 CNPS members made a seven hour voyage to the area of far northern California that many consider to be the heart of the State of Jefferson. What follows is a summary of where we went and what we saw.

Situated right on the wild and scenic Klamath River, Sarah Totten campground was all ours, and offered a wonderful place for us to call Home Sweet Temporary Home. On Sunday July 1st, we caravaned to Cook & Green Pass via Saeid Creek Rd., making several stops on our way up. At our first stop, sharp eyes spotted an interesting saprophytic plant growing in the forest duff: Monotropa hypopythis or pinesap, and this was a first time sighting for most in the group. As we continued uphill, we found many other interesting and showy plants, including some that were being dug up by poachers! At the top, we explored the Pacific Crest Trail as it heads east of Cook & Green, and  got a taste of the rich flora of the region and its relationship to the geology.

Monday was Calochortus day, and we traveled to three very different locations finding all three species we were seeking in nice bloom: C. persistens high up on Gunsight Ridge just west of Yreka; C. greenei just over the border into Oregon; and C. macrocarpus in a wide valley north of Mt. Shasta.

Day three saw a return to Cook & Green, this time on the PCT west of the pass towards Red Buttes. We encountered many species not seen on the other side of the pass, including a seep with Cypripedium californicum, the California lady-slipper orchid. The top of our journey to Bee Camp opened up to an area of stunning vistas and a different flora, as the local botany closely follows the local geology and microclimate.

The next day was a trip to Alex Hole, a northeast-facing cirque situated at the shoulder of Coundry Mountain. We found a stunning array of species to occur in and around this glacially-carved bowl, including choice plants from genera Lewisia, Erythonium, and Polemonium, along with several orchid species. This is also the only place we encountered melting snow. I think...

We moved camp south for the rest of the trip, to yet another paradise situated on the summit of Scott Mountain Pass, south of Etna on Hwy. 3. This campground adjacent to large meadows with seeps and fens surrounded by rich woodlands provided ample opportunity for the botanically inclined to lose themselves in the identification and appreciation of such a diversity of species.

Jefferson, we shall return.

Sonora Pass Carcamp Trip Report (Aug 1-3, 2008)

by Carolyn Dorsch

Eighteen people, including trip leaders Stella Yang and Carolyn Dorsch headed up to the Sierras the first weekend of August.  We camped off of Hwy 120, at 6,200 feet, near the Clark Fork of the Stanislaus River.  The first day we stayed in the “lowlands,” and explored along the Clark Fork meadow and the Column of the Giants. 

Day Two found us up near the top of Hwy 120, just a little west of Sonora Pass.  We spent the day hiking up to St. Mary’s Pass (10,100 feet).  The walk was steadily uphill, but with wildflowers all along the way, low 70s temperature, and nice breezes, the 1,200 foot climb from the trailhead was quite manageable.  Along the way, and at the top of the pass we found many high-elevation flora blooming, including the following:  Pursh’s wooly-pod (Astragalus purshii), Buckwheat (Eriogonum ovalifolium), Sierra Claytonia (Claytonia nevadensis), and Arctic Willow (Salix arctica).  In fruit were two anemones: A. occidentalis and A. drummondii.  All together, it was about a three-mile round trip.  A couple people took the challenge offered by the mountains, and continued their hike up to Stanislaus Peak (11,233 feet) before rejoining the group back at the trailhead in the late afternoon.

Day Three, as a final stop before heading home, we drove down Herring Creek Road.  While it can be stunning in June (elevation around 7,000 feet), we had to work harder to find the flowers.  Following the water, we came across beautiful colonies of Alpine Lily (Lilium parvum) near Herring Creek. The trip was capped off with a short visit along the Trail of the Gargoyles, where we could admire the amazing geologic formations.  Plans are already in motion for another trip up to the Sonora Pass area. 

Late June/early July is the best time to see the flowers at the 6-7,000 feet elevation, but there is plenty to see in early August, so long as you go to the higher elevations. Look for this trip’s highlights at a Member’s Night meeting later in the year!

Completed Field Trips and Reports

Past Field Trips and Reports

Our chapter has an active field trip schedule. We've travelled all over the state and even out of state. You can see a list of some of our trips below. Where available, reports are linked to the trip listings.

Lunch at Montara Mt

Lunch at San Pedro Valley County Park Feb 21, 2016

Completed 2021 field trips

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve New Year Hike, San Mateo County
  • Sept 19, Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose
  • Oct 3, Stevens Creek Trail From Blackberry Farm to Linda Vista Park, Cupertino
  • Oct 10,  Alum Rock Park Restoration Tour, San Jose
  • Oct 16, Martial Cottle Park Master Gardeners’ Tour, San Jose
  • Nov 7, Uvas Canyon County Park, Morgan Hill
  • Dec 18, Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose

Completed 2020 field trips

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve New Year Hike, San Mateo County
  • Jan 8, Field Trip Planning Meeting, Palo Alto
  • Feb 15, Dirca - Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve, Cupertino
  • Feb 23, Hazelnut Trail, Montara Mountain, San Pedro Valley County Park, Pacifica
  • Mar 8, Spring Hike on Stile Ranch Trail, San Jose

2019 field trips

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve New Year Hike, San Mateo County
  • Jan 8, Field Trip Planning Meeting, PCC
  • Jan 12, First Wildflowers, Mushrooms, and Newts in Huddart Park, Woodside
  • Jan 13, Beginner's Plant Id at Almaden Quicksilver County Park, San Jose
  • Feb 9, Fetid Adder’s Tongue, Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve, Redwood City
  • Feb 16, Dirca - Stevens Creek County Park, Saratoga
  • Feb 17, Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve, Morgan Hill
  • Feb 28 - Mar 2, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Camping Trip, Borrego Springs
  • Mar 16, Monvero Dunes Wildflower Tour, Firebaugh
  • Mar 17, San Bruno Mountain State & County Park, Brisbane
  • Mar 23 - 24, Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, Sonoma County
  • Mar 24, First Day of Spring Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk @ Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose
  • Apr 3-4, North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve and Feather Falls, Butte County
  • Apr 7, Uvas Canyon County Park, Morgan Hill
  • Apr 13, Vernal Pool Wildflower Walk, Fremont
  • Apr 14, Beginners Wildflower Id Walk @ Stile Ranch Trail, San Jose
  • Apr 18, Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve, Cupertino
  • May 8, Mount Umunhum with Ken Hickman, Los Gatos
  • May 11-15, Lost Coast Backpacking Field Trip, Humboldt County
  • Jun 22, Search for Soap Plant - Evening Hike at Pulgas Ridge, Redwood City
  • Jun 23, First Day of Summer Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose
  • Jun 29, Insect & Plant Identification Walk @ Sierra Azul OSP, Los Gatos
  • Jul 4 - 7, Ebbetts Pass, Alpine Lake and Calaveras Big Trees State Park, Arnold
  • Sep 22, First Day of Fall Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk @ Lake Cunningham, San Jose
  • Sep 22, Data Collection with Calflora at Edgewood, Redwood City
  • Nov 17, Beginner’s Plant Id Walk @ Rancho Cañada del Oro, Morgan Hill
  • Dec 7, Moss Hike in Almaden Quicksilver Park, San Jose

2018 field trips

Hummer at Loma Hike

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve (Hwy 1 coast-southern San Mateo County)
  • Jan 8, Annual Field Trip Planning Meeting, PCC.
  • Jan 14, Almaden Quicksilver County Park, Plant Communities of the South Bay: Plant Id Walks for Beginners.
  • Feb 12, Dirca walk at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Portola Valley.
  • Feb 17,  Dirca Hike at San Francisco Peninsula Watershed, San Mateo County
  • Feb 18, 2018, Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve, Morgan Hill - Plant Communities of the South Bay: Plant Id Walks for Beginners (Morgan Hill)
  • Feb 19, Dirca walk at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (San Mateo County)
  • Feb 24, Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve, Fragrant Fritillary at Coyote Ridge (Morgan Hill)
  • Feb 25, Hazelnut Trail, Montara Mt., San Pedro Valley County Park (Pacifica)
  • Mar 1-5, Cancelled
  • Sun Mar 4 Lichen Walk at Pedro Point Headlands (Pacifica) (Changed date due to rain)
  • Sun Mar 11 Shooting Stars at Grant Ranch (San Jose)
  • Mar 18 #1:Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk Series at Lake Cunningham, San Jose
  • Mar 22 Picchetti Ranch OSP, Cupertino
  • Mar 25 Field Trip Planning and brainstorming Potluck & Edgewood Hike and leader training (San Mateo County)
  • Apr 1 Summit Loop Trail, San Bruno Mountain State and County Park
  • April 8 Sweeney Ridge (San Bruno)
  • Apr 29, Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve, Gilroy
  • May 5, Wilder Ranch State Park (Santa Cruz)
  • May 5 Loma Fire Hike, x-Rancho Cañada del Oro, rescheduled
  • May 19, Coastal Walk at McNee Ranch State Park (San Mateo County)
  • May 20,  Grass Walk at Los Trancos OSP (Santa Cruz Mountains)
  • May 24 - 29 (Memorial Day weekend) Lava Beds National Monument and McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park (NE CA)
  • Jun 3,  Redwood Walk at Portola Redwoods State Park (San Mateo County)
  • Jun 9,  Night Hike at Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve (San Carlos)
  • June 10, Mount Hamilton Road Trip (San Jose)
  • Jun 16, Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk Series at Lake Cunningham Park  (San Jose) Session #2: First Day of Summer
  • July 1-8: Backpacking trips to Mt. Eddy and Big Duck Lake in Russian Wilderness
  • July 20-23 Carson Pass  ̶ Sierra Wildflowers off Hwy 88 (Alpine County)
  • Aug 4-11: Backpacking trips to Little Duck Lake and Campbell Lake (Marble Mtn Wilderness)
  • Sep 23: Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)
  • Oct  13 October  Native Plant  Stroll (San Jose)  
  • Oct 14 Berries for Birds: a Beginner’s Plant Id & Habitat Walk @ Rancho Canada del Oro (Morgan Hill)
  • Nov 25 Uvas Canyon County Park (Morgan Hill) [rescheduled from Nov 17]
  • Nov 25 Trees and Shrubs of Santa Clara Valley: a Plant Id Walk @ Rancho Cañada del Oro (Morgan Hill)
  • Dec 23 Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham (San Jose)

2017 field trips

Fetid Adder's Tongue, Pulgas Ridge

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve (Hwy 1 coast-southern San Mateo County)
  • Jan 8 St. Joseph's Hill Preserve, Mid Pen Open Space Preserve (Los Gatos) RAIN CANCELED
  • Jan 9 Field Trip Planning Meeting, PCC
  • Jan 14, Dirca Walk, Windy Hill Open Space Preserve (Portola Valley)
  • Jan 22, Fungi Walk, Los Trancos Open Space Preserve (Page Mill Rd)  RAIN CANCELED
  • Feb 11, Fetid Adder’s Tongue, Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve (San Carlos)
  • Feb 26, Summit Loop Trail, San Bruno Mountain State and County Park   
  • Mar 5  Uvas Canyon County Park (Morgan Hill) CANCELED
  • Mar 5  Stile Ranch Trail, San Jose
  • Mar 11 Lichen Walk at Pedro Point Headlands (Pacifica) CANCELED
  • Mar 19 Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)
  • Mar 19  Mount Madonna County Park (Gilroy)
  • Mar 19  Exploratory Walk on San Bruno Mountain (South San Francisco)
  • Mar 25 Pinnacles National Park (San Benito County)
  • Mar 31 Sun April 2  Spring Wildflowers at Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (Mt. Hamilton)
  • April 9 Red Hills Area - BLM (Chinese Camp)
  • Apr 16 Serpentine Loop Trail in Calero County Park (San Jose)
  • Apr 23  Spring Butterflies on Coyote Ridge (San Jose)
  • April 30 Vernal Pool Tour at Don Edwards SF National Wildlife Refuge, East Bay.
  • Apr 30  9am - 5pm  Henry Coe State Park Backcountry Walk (Morgan Hill)
  • May 6  Grass Walk at Edgewood Park (Redwood City)
  • May 7 - 13 Joshua Tree Camping
  • May 21 Bean Hollow State Beach (Hwy 1)
  • June 10, 2017 Search for Soap - Evening Hike, Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve (RWC)
  • July 1 to Tuesday, July 4 Ebbetts Pass, Alpine Lake and Calaveras Big Trees State Park
  • Sep 24 Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)
  • Oct 15 Salt Marsh Bird and Plant Walk at Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, Union City
  • Oct 29 Woody Plants of St. Joseph’s Hill Open Space Preserve (Los Gatos)
  • Nov 19 Trees and Shrubs of SCV, Rancho Cañada del Oro OSP, Morgan Hill
  • Dec 16 Beginner’s Bird and Plant ID Walk, Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose
  • Dec 31 Butano State Park, Pescadero, San Mateo County (with Costanoa NYE Extravaganza Celebration)

2016 field trips

bighorn sheep anza borrego Joerg LohsePhoto by Joerg Lohse

  • Jan 1, Año Nuevo State Preserve (Hwy 1 coast-southern San Mateo County)
  • Jan 10 Know Your Willows:  Guadalupe River Mitigation Area
  • Feb 6 Dirca - Stevens Creek County Park, Cupertino
  • Feb 21 San Pedro Valley County Park (Pacifica)
  • Feb  27 Coal Mine Ridge (Portola Valley)
  • Mar 6 San Bruno Mountain Watch Hike (South San Francisco)
  • Mar 6 – 13 Anza Borrego Desert State Park ( San Diego County)
  • Mar 13 Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park (Gilroy)
  • Mar 20, Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk, Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)
  • Mar 20, San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Mar 24, Walk, Talk and Shop Hike at Hidden Villa (Los Altos Hills)
  • Mar 26, Mt. Tamalpais, North Side Loop Hike
  • March 27, Coyote Ridge  (South San Jose)
  • March 29, Presidio Native Plant Nursery Field Trip Tour
  • April 2 Vernal Pools at Jepson Prairie (Solano County)
  • April 3 North Table Mountain Reserve (Butte County)
  • April 10 Rancho San Vicente (South San Jose) CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN
  • April 9 – 14 Eastern Mojave Desert
  • April 16, Calero County Park, Serpentine Loop Trail
  • April 17 Restoration project walk along Stevens Creek, Cupertino
  • May 14 Mount Hamilton Road Trip (San Jose)
  • May 14 Grass Walk at Los Trancos OSP
  • May 15 Butano State Park, Pescadero (San Mateo County)
  • May 22 Geology and Plant Walk at Alum Rock Park (San Jose)
  • May 21 Windy Hill Open Space Preserve (Portola Valley)
  • June 12 First Day of Summer Beginner’s Bird and Plant Identification Walk @ Lake Cunningham Park
  • July 16 - 23 Ericaecious Heaven - Duck Lake and Mt. Eddy Backpacking Trip
  • Oct 30, Uvas Canyon County Park, Morgan Hill
  • Dec 18, Beginners Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose).

2015 field trips

lewisia-rediviva-bitterroot400 Photo by Dee Himes

  • Jan 1 Año Nuevo State Park (Hwy 1 coast-southern San Mateo County)
  • Feb 7 Eaton Park (San Carlos)
  • Feb 22 Montara Mt., San Pedro Valley County Park (Pacifica)
  • March 1 Pulgas Ridge Open Space (San Carlos)
  • March 5  Maguire Peaks Loop, Sunol Regional Park
  • March 8 Stile Ranch, San Jose
  • March 15 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • March 21 Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley Hills
  • March 22 - 28 Central California Camping Trip
  • March 23 –  28 Mojave Desert Car Camp
  • March 28 Coyote Lake (Gilroy)
  • April 5 Edgewood Park, San Carlos
  • April 11 Alum Rock Park (East San Jose)
  • April 12 Calero County Park / Rancho San Vicente (south San Jose)
  • April 26, 9:30am - 2:00pm Sunol Regional Park, East Bay
  • April 26th 10AM-3PM Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve
  • May 2 Mount Hamilton Road Trip (San Jose) 10am - 4pm
  • May 9 Grass Walk at Edgewood County Park and Natural Preserve (Redwood City)
  • May 10 Stile Ranch Hike #2, San Jose
  • May 17 Butano State Park (Pescadero in San Mateo County)
  • May 22 - 25 Sierra Foothills Memorial Weekend Trip
  • Jun 6 - Fountain Thistle Work Party (San Mateo)
  • July 7 - 15 Botanizing the Western and Eastern Siskiyous
  • Aug 8  Stile Ranch Trail, Hike #3
  • Aug 22 Monte Bello Open Space Preserve, Moonlight Walk
  • Nov 21 Bryophytes in Pescadero County Park (San Mateo County)

2014 field trips

Photo by Toni CorelliCoastal flowers overlooking tidepools and Pacific Ocean beyond

  • Jan 1 Año Nuevo State Park (southern San Mateo County)
  • Jan 25 Rancho Cañada del Oro (South San Jose)
  • Feb 8 Eaton Park (San Carlos)
  • Feb 16 Pulgas Ridge (San Carlos)  
  • Mar 16 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Mar 22 New Hagen Meadow (San Jose)
  • Mar 23  Sweeney Ridge (San Bruno)
  • Apr 4 - 6  Carrizo Plain National Monument Car Camp (San Luis Obispo County)
  • Apr 13 Sign Hill (South San Francisco)
  • April 19-20  Mt. Diablo State Park Carcamp and Day Hikes (Contra Costa County)
  • Apr 20 Coyote Lake (Gilroy)
  • May 4 Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Ranch County Park (Gilroy)
  • May 6 Año Nuevo-Cascade Field (San Mateo County Coast)
  • May 11 Bean Hollow Pigeon Point Light Station (San Mateo Coast)
  • May 17 Devil’s Slide Trail (San Mateo Coast)
  • May 18 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • May 20 Pescadero (San Mateo Coast)
  • May 27 Montara and McNee Ranch
  • May 31 Fountain Thistle Work Party (San Mateo)
  • June 27-29 Mt. Eddy Carcamp (Klamath Mtns)
  • July 13th–17th  Mt. Lassen Carcamp
  • Jul 26 Crystal Springs Watershed (Mid-peninsula)
  • Aug 23 Bean Hollow SB (San Mateo County Coast)
  • Sat Oct 25 Castle Rock Fall Hike (Skyline – Santa Cruz Mountains)

2013 field trips

  • Jan 1 Año Nuevo State Park (southern San Mateo County)
  • Jan 26 UCSC Upper Campus, Santa Cruz
  • Feb 2 Water Dog Lake (Belmont)
  • Feb 10 Perennials and Woody Plants of Alum Rock Park (San Jose)
  • Feb 23 San Pedro Valley County Park (Pacifica)
  • Mar 2 Edgewoood County Park (Redwood City)
  • Mar 3 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Mar 20 Pinnacles National Park (San Benito County)  
  • Mar 23 Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve (Santa Cruz County)
  • April 6th Coyote Lake (Gilroy) 10am - 3:30pm   
  • Apr 8th– 10th  Lake County, Bear Valley, Palisades, Table Rock
  • Apr 13 Rockaway Headlands (Pacifica), Moss Beach and Pillar Point Bluff (San Mateo Coast)
  • Apr 14 New Hagen Meadow (San Jose)
  • May 5 Grant Ranch (San Jose)
  • May 11 Grass Walk at Edgewood County Park (Redwood City)
  • May 12 Mount Hamilton Road Trip  (San Jose)
  • May 18 Cowell Ranch Beach and Cowell-Purisima Trail (San Mateo Coast)
  • May 19 Stile Ranch/Santa Teresa County Park (San Jose)
  • May 25 Butano Ridge (east of Pescadero)
  • June 8th  Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve  (east of Half Moon Bay)
  • June 15 Mt. Diablo State Park (Contra Costa County)
  • Sep 15 Sharsmith Herbarium (San Jose State University)
  • Sep 29 Monte Bello Open Space Preserve (Skyline-west of Palo Alto)
  • Nov 2 Crystal Springs Watershed

2012 field trips

  • Sun Jan 1 Año Nuevo State Park (southern San Mateo County)
  • Sun Jan 22 Sierra Azul (Los Gatos)
  • Sat Jan 28 Quail Hollow Ranch (Santa Cruz)
  • Sat Feb 4 San Pedro Valley County Park (Pacifica)
  • Sat Feb 18 Edgewood County Park and Natural Preserve (Redwood City)
  • Sun Feb 19 Sierra Azul (Los Gatos)
  • Sat Feb 25 Stevens Creek County Park (Los Gatos)
  • Sat Mar 10 Stile Ranch (Santa Teresa County Park)
  • Sun Mar 18 San Bruno Mountain County Park (Brisbane)
  • Sat Mar 31 Uvas Canyon County Park (Morgan Hill)
  • Sun Apr 8 Blair Ranch (Morgan Hill)
  • Sat Apr 14 New Hagen Meadow (San Jose)
  • Wed April 18 Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve (Cupertino) 
  • Sat – Tues May 5-8 Carrizo Plain to Cuyama Valley (San Luis Obispo County)
  • Sun May 6 Coyote Lake (Gilroy)
  • Sun May 13 The Wildflowers of Cascade Field (North of Año Nuevo–Hwy 1)
  • Sat May 19 Big Basin Redwoods State Park
  • Sun May 20 Palassou Ridge OSP (Gilroy)
  • Sat Jun 2 Grass Walk at Los Trancos OSP (Los Altos)
  • Sat Jun 9 Fountain Thistle Work Party (San Mateo)
  • Sat Jun 16 Stile Ranch (San Jose)
  • Wed -Thu Jun 27 - Jul 5  Mineral King Backpack (Southern Sierra Nevada) 
  • Sat Jul 21 Crystal Springs Watershed (Mid-peninsula)
  • Sun Aug 5  Bean Hollow State Beach (Hwy 1)
  • Sun Oct 21 Uvas Canyon County Park (Morgan Hill)

2011 field trips

  • Sat Jan 1 Año Nuevo State Park (southern San Mateo County coast)
  • Sat Jan 15 San Francisco Peninsula Watershed Dirca Hike
  • Sat Jan 29 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Sat Feb 5 Edgewood County Park & Preserve (Redwood City)
  • Sat Feb 12 Coal Mine Ridge (Portola Valley)
  • Sat Mar 5 Hidden Villa (Los Altos)
  • Sun Mar 6 Sunol Regional Park (Fremont)
  • Sat Mar 12 Pulgas Ridge Open Space (Redwood City)
  • Sun Mar 13 Stile Ranch (Santa Teresa County Park)
  • Sun Mar 20 – Sun Mar 27 Death Valley Car Camp
  • Sun Mar 27 Coyote Ridge (San Jose)
  • Sat Apr 2 Coyote Ridge (San Jose)
  • Sun Apr 3 Coyote Lake (Gilroy)
  • Sat Apr 9 Joseph Grant Park (San Jose)
  • Sun Apr 10 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Sat Apr 16 10am San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Sat Apr 30 South Valley Reserve (eastern Santa Clara County)
  • Sun May 1 Whitehouse Creek (Pescadero)
  • Sat May 7 Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (Mt Hamilton Range)   
  • Sun May 8 Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park  (Felton)  
  • Sun May 15 Grass Walk at Edgewood County Park (Redwood City)  
  • Sun May 22 The Cedars (Sonoma County)
  • Sun May 22 Mt. Madonna County Park (Gilroy)
  • Sun Jun 5 San Bruno Mountain (Brisbane)
  • Sun Jun 19 Beginner’s Woody Plant Walk - Alum Rock Park (San Jose)
  • Sat  Jul 9 Crystal Springs Watershed (mid-peninsula)
  • Fri-Sun July 29-31 Carson Pass (Sierra)
  • Sun Aug 7 Calero Creek (South San Jose)
  • Sat Sept 10 Sun Bean Hollow State Beach (Hwy 1)
  • Sat Oct 8 Hidden Villa (Los Altos)
  • Sat Oct 29 Castle Rock Fall Hike (Skyline-Santa Cruz Mtns) 
  • Sat Oct 29 Fountain Thistle Work Party (San Mateo)
  • Sun Nov 6 Rancho Cañada del Oro (San Jose)

2010 field trips

  • Sat Jan 9 Ano Nuevo State Park
  • Sat Jan 16 Picchetti Ranch and Stevens Creek County Park
  • Sun Jan 31 Stanford Trees and Landscape History
  • Sat Feb 20 San Pedro Valley County Park
  • Sun Feb 21 Los Gatos Canyon: Plant ID-ing for Beginners
  • Sun Mar 7 Rise of the Sporophytes!
  • Sun Mar 14 San Bruno Mountain
  • Sat-Mon Mar 27-29 Golden Valley and Grass Valley Wilderness
  • Sat Apr 3 Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch
  • Sun Apr 4 Warm Springs Vernal Pools
  • Sat Apr 10 Coyote Ridge
  • Sun Apr 11 San Mateo Coast (Rain Cancelled)
  • Sat Apr 17 Rancho Cañada del Oro
  • Thu Apr 29 Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve and Stevens Creek County Park
  • Sun May 2 Blue Oak Ranch
  • Wed May 5 An Evening with the Grasses
  • Sat May 22 Fountain Thistle-San Francisco Peninsula Watershed
  • Sat-Sun May 22-23 The Cedars (Sonoma County)
  • Mon-Fri May 24-28 High Desert Trip - Southeastern Sierra
  • Sun May 30 Mt Hamilton Field Trip
  • Sat Jun 5 Grass Walk at Los Trancos OSP 
  • Sat Jun 12 Fountain Thistle Field Trip & Restoration Work Party at Crystal Springs
  • Sun Jun 13 Mt Hamilton Field Trip
  • Sun Jun 20 Feelin’ Fruity-Belmont's Water Dog Lake Open Space
  • Sat-Sun July 31-Aug 1 Butterfly Valley-Red Hill
  • Sat Aug 14 Portola Redwoods State Park
  • Sat Sep 11 Edgewood Natural Preserve
  • Sat Sept 25 Rancho Cañada del Oro
  • Sun Oct 3 Shields Grove at U.C. Davis
  • Sun Oct 10 Uvas Canyon-San Jose

2009 field trips

  • Sat Feb 28 Fire-follower Walk at Owl and Buckeye Canyons (San Mateo County) 1-4 pm
  • Saturday, March 7, 9 am, Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve
  • Sunday, March 8, 9:30 am, Mt. Tamalpais
  • Saturday, March 14, 10 am, Stile Ranch Hike
  • Sunday-Thursday, March 15-19, Desert Wildflower Trip
  • Friday-Sunday, March 20-22, Carrizo Plain National Monument (eastern San Luis Obispo County)
  • Saturday, March 28, 1 pm, Del Monte Forest, Monterey
  • Sunday, March 29, 1 pm, Coyote Ridge (Second trip on Saturday, April 11, 10 am)
  • Sunday, April 5, 10 am, Grant Ranch County Park
  • Sunday April 5, 10:30am-1:30pm. West Pinnacles w/ Corky Matthews
  • Saturday, April 11, 10 am, Coyote Ridge
  • Saturday April 11. Fire Followers at Big Creek Reserve w/ Dave Nelson
  • Monday April 13 through Friday April 17. CA desert
  • Saturday, April 18, 9:30 am, Woods Trail, Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve
  • Wed April 29 7pm An Evening with the Grasses
  • Saturday-Sunday, May 2-3, The Cedars (Sonoma County)
  • Sat May 16 10am San Mateo Coast
  • Sun May 17 9am Mount Hamilton
  • Fri-Tues May 22-26. California Floristic Province in Oregon
  • Sat May 30 1pm Ring Mountain, Marin County
  • Sun Jun 7 10am Grass Walk at Los Trancos
  • Sun Jun 14 10am San Mateo Coast
  • Sun Sep 20 Bonny Doon Ecological Preserve
  • Sun Oct 4 Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve
  • Sun Oct 25 Fall Creek Unit of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park

2008 Field Trips

2007 Field Trips

CNPS Santa Clara Valley Chapter Field Trips

CNPS Santa Clara Valley Chapter Field Trips

IMG 7822 dee stella ken pinnacles 640pxChapter field trips are free and open to the public.  Field trips are oriented to conservation, protection and enjoyment of California native plants and wildlife.  A list of past field trips and reports can be found here.

Many other upcoming chapter activities are listed in the Blazing StarYou can also find many of our chapter field trips and other activities on our Meetup Group.  Signing up on Meetup allows the trip leaders to send notifications in case of changes or cancellations.

In our region it is important to be prepared for hiking on rugged and steep terrain, wide temperature ranges and rapidly changing conditions at any time of year. Our hikes are often slow with many stops and standing around for long periods. All participants should wear sturdy footwear and carry sufficient water, sun protection, food, clothing layers, personal first aid and other supplies you may need. Also bring hand lens and binoculars for viewing plants and fauna.

Cell service is mainly restricted to cities and major highways. On your way to an outing do not rely solely on your phone. If you have any questions about your ability to participate in a particular field trip, please contact the trip leader in advance.


RSVPs on Meetup

Meetup announces the events when they are posted. This lets folks note the trip and date. The RSVPs open up one week before the event. If you are signed up for Meetup announcements, you will receive a second notice when the RSVPs open up. We do this to reduce the number of no shows as folks make RSVPs closer to the trip dates.


There are no field trips scheduled at present. We will update this page when there are more trips scheduled.



JULY 2024

Thursday July 4 - Monday July 8 - Ebbetts Pass, Alpine Lake and Calaveras Big Trees State Park - Cabin in Arnold

Fred and Patricia Evans invite you to join them at their cabin in Arnold for three days of wildflower hikes over the July 4 weekend. Arrive July 4, hike July 5-7 and travel home on July 6 pm or July 7. Cost is $15/person to cover housecleaning.  

We will explore Inspiration Point at Alpine Lake, Calaveras Big Trees State Park, and the Pacific Crest Trail at Ebbetts Pass. It will be spring at the pass at an elevation of 8,736 feet and the wildflowers will be amazing! This itinerary is subject to change, depending on weather and conditions.

The cabin sleeps 13 in beds (with 7 in a dorm) and there are two futons,  room for tents on the porch or in the yard, and two small RVs or vans can hook to electricity in the driveway. Dinners will be potluck and popcorn is provided.

This trip is open to CNPS members only. Registration is required. For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Patricia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (650) 949-2801.


Sunday Jul 14 10:00am – 2:00pm - Sanborn County Park Hike (Saratoga)

Enjoy the pristine trails of Sanborn Park on July 14 with Tom Lee. We will hike through a lushly wooded park with redwood and tanbark oak trees. This hike will be about 2 miles long with an elevation gain of 250 feet. The trail starts with an easy climb and continues until we reach Welch House. Then we’ll retrace our steps back to the trailhead. The historic Welch-Hurst house was built in 1892 as a gentleman’s working ranch and family retreat. In later years it became a hostel until its closure in 2010. Some plants seen in past years during this season include ocean spray, toyon and wood rose; we may also see red-winged blackbirds.

We’ll meet at the park entrance off of Sanborn Road. Hike start time is 10:00am. There is a park entrance fee of $6 per vehicle.

Please bring sturdy shoes, appropriate layering, a hat and lunch.

Directions: To reach Sanborn Park proceed 2 miles west of Saratoga on Hwy 9 to Sanborn Rd. Turn left on Sanborn Rd., then travel another mile to the park entrance.


RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


Vernal Pool Wildflower Tours in Fremont

Come and experience the last piece of lowland vernal pool grassland in the South Bay.  The Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is inviting CNPS members to guided tours in the Warm Springs Unit, a site with limited public access.  These tours are being offered at different times to capture the temporal and spatial diversity of this unique site, home to many listed, rare and unusual species.

These tours are for CNPS members only. If you are interested in joining a tour, please contact Aidona Kakouros at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register.  Please indicate in your email 1) which of the tours you are interested in, 2) how many guests you are bringing, and 3) preferred email to send directions and any other notifications related to the event you are interested in.  Directions to the meeting site will be provided nearer to the event date.  Space is limited.

To join CNPS see

“Power to the Pollinators” Summer Native Plant Community Tour, Saturday, June 22, 9:00am to 12:30pm: At this time of year, the dry pools are dotted with saline tolerant, warm-season perennials such as alkali heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum), alkali mallow (Malvella leprosa) and alkali weed (Cressa truxillensis).  Super bloomers like common spikeweed (Centromadia pungens) and alkali heath (Frankenia salina) display masses of flowers, providing important sources of nectar to pollinators.  We’ll also seek out rare or unusual plants including Congdon's tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. congdonii), San Joaquin spearscale (Extriplex joaquinana) and Atriplex species.


JUNE 2024

Sun June 2 10:00am - 2:00pm - Native Plant Introduction Hike at Piccheti Ranch Preserve (Cupertino)

Enjoy the Cupertino hills while hiking through Piccheti Ranch Preserve on June 2nd with Tom Lee. The trail passes through grasslands, chaparral and riparian areas, each offering varying native plants. The route is 4.1 miles long with an elevation gain of 620 feet. The trails have moderate terrain with beautiful views of the valley. Some flowers seen in past years at this season include Hairy Honeysuckle, California wildrose, and Cream bush along with turkeys and bees.

Wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Wear appropriate layering and a hat. Bring snacks, a sack lunch, and liquids for the day.

RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Directions: From the I-280 Foothill Expressway exit, go 3.5 miles southwest on Foothill Boulevard, and turn right on Montebello Road. We will meet at the Pichetti Ranch Open Space Preserve Parking lot, which is just above the Piccheti Winery entrance.


Sat June 15 10:00am – 1:00pm - Plant ID & Beach Adventure at Wilder Ranch State Park & Fern Grotto Beach (Santa Cruz County)

Join California Naturalist Divya Shenoy to explore the coastal bluffs of Wilder Ranch and enjoy the beautiful Fern Grotto Beach. On this beginner native plant walk, we will walk along the Old Landing Cove Trail loop and stop by Fern Grotto Beach to take a lunch break and explore!

At the end, you can join us as we visit the Wilder Ranch Interpretive Center & Park Store to learn about the park’s farming history. This field trip is a family friendly event and no advanced hiking ability or plant identification experience is required.

We will see unique coastal plants, including seaside daisy, golden yarrow, and various fern species. We may also see sea lions, butterflies, whales, sea otters and birds such as cormorants, pelicans, and gulls.

Our walk will be about 3 miles long. The pace will be a stroll with water breaks, pauses to view plants, and a 30-minute snack break and exploration at the beach. There is a short dirt trail that is moderately steep, to get to the beach, so hiking poles are recommended for those who need additional stability and support.

Please wear comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. Bring a snack or early lunch and plenty of water. Optionally, you can bring plant and bird identification guides and lists, binoculars and extra sandals for the beach.

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on Meetup (see below). We will park and meet at 10:00am in the “Wilder Ranch Day Use” parking lot, which has a restroom close by.  (Here’s a link to a map to the parking lot.)

RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


Saturday, June 22, 9:00am to 12:30pm - Vernal Pools “Power to the Pollinators” Summer Native Plant Community Tour

CNPS members only. See above under Vernal Pool Wildflower Tours in Fremont


Sun Jun 23  9:00am – 12:00pm  Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park  (San Jose)

With the onset of summer, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park.  This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value.  On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.

The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path.  Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars.  Wear comfortable walking shoes.  The parking fee is $6, to be purchased with either exact cash or credit card at a machine.

We will meet at Parking Lot A on the east side of the park.  The park’s main entrance is located at 2305 S. White Road, San Jose.  (In Google Maps, search for 37.337451, -121.804069, to be directed to Parking Lot A.)

This event is cosponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.

RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


MAY 2024

Sun May 5 10:00am – 2:00pm - Calero County Park Native Plant Hike (South San Jose)

Enjoy the pristine trails of Calero County Park with Tom Lee and Arvind Kumar. We will hike through serpentine grasslands, chaparral and oak woodlands. Some flowers seen in past years at this season include Ithuriel’s spear, lupine, fiddleneck and iris along with red-winged blackbirds.

This hike will be about 3 miles long with an elevation gain of 500 feet. The trail starts with some climb, and wraps around the Calero Reservoir.

Wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Wear appropriate layering and a hat. Bring snacks, a sack lunch, and liquids for the day. Dress in layers. Heavy rain cancels.

RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please.

To register, please visit the Meetup page at


Sun May 12 10:30am – 1:30pm - Plant ID Walk at Alum Rock Park (East San Jose)

On this beginner and family friendly native plant walk, join California Naturalist Divya Shenoy, assisted by Arvind Kumar, to explore the creekside and shrubland habitats of Alum Rock County Park. We will walk along the beautiful Penitencia Creek Trail, Mineral Springs loop and other hillside trails. We will also stop by the Youth Science Institute Nature Center, which has live animals and an extraordinary taxidermy display!

We will see native plants such as the coast live oak, California bay laurel, toyon, buckeye and maidenhair ferns! We may see birds, such as Steller’s jays and acorn woodpeckers, butterflies and small mammals. We will also see historical mineral spring structures and discuss the ways Ohlone Native Americans utilized native plants.

The walk will be about 3 miles in length. The pace will be a stroll with water breaks, pauses to view plants, and a 15-minute snack break in the middle. There are some sections of trails with moderate inclines and declines, so hiking poles are recommended for those who need additional stability and support.

Please wear comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, a hat and bring plenty of water. Optionally, you can bring a snack, plant and bird identification guides and lists and binoculars.

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on our Chapter’s Meetup group. Drive past the first parking lot at the park entrance, past the ticket booth and past the next two lots. Park in any of the last group of three parking lots at the end of the park. One of the lots has a $6 parking fee and two are free. We will meet at 10:30am at the bridge nearest to the playground, which is next to a picnic table and bathroom. Alum Rock Park’s website includes a link to a park map.

RSVP is required. RSVPs will open up one week before the event. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


Saturday, May 25, 10:00am to 1:00pm - Vernal Pools “Seas of Downingias” Tour

CNPS members only. See above under Vernal Pool Wildflower Tours in Fremont


Sun Mar 26  9:30am – 1:30pm  Bug & Plant Identification Walk at Sierra Azul OSP
Plants and insects are at the very bottom of the food chain – many higher forms of life depend on them for survival.  An intact native plant habitat supports a diverse insect population, which in turn feeds amphibians, reptiles, birds, small mammals and other animals.  Learn to identify the common native plants and insects of our area with California naturalists Karan Gathani and Arvind Kumar on a guided walk through Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve, the largest and southernmost preserve in the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.

We will hike the Woods Trail with spectacular views of Mt Hamilton, Mt Umunhum, and the valley floor. Expect to see coast live oak, madrone, California bay, bigleaf maple, buckeye, bigberry manzanita, toyon, coffeeberry, cream bush, chamise, mountain mahogany, and sticky monkeyflower. We may encounter butterflies, bees, beetles, grasshoppers, flies, spiders, and ants.

The elevation gain is 600 ft; the distance covered is 5.4 miles round trip.

All interested in plant and insect identification are welcome; prior knowledge of botany or entomology is helpful but not required.

Wear good walking/hiking shoes.  Bring a sack lunch and plenty of fluids.  Drinking water is not available in the preserve.  We also suggest bringing a hat, sunscreen; and optionally, a hand lens and smartphone camera.  We expect to return to the parking lot by 1:30 pm.

RSVPs will open up one week before the event. RSVP is required to join us for the hike. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Chapter’s Meetup page at

Directions: In San Jose, exit Highway 85 at Camden Ave. (From 85 Southbound, turn left on Camden Ave. From 85 Northbound, turn left on Branham Avenue and then turn left on Camden Ave.) Travel south on Camden Ave. about 1.6 miles. Turn right on Hicks Road. Travel on Hicks Road about 6.3 miles. Turn right on Mt. Umunhum Road. The Preserve parking lot will be on the immediate right, and the trailhead is adjacent to the parking area. Overflow parking is available on the opposite side of Hicks Rd in Almaden Quicksilver County Park. In google maps, search for “Sierra Azul Parking Lot at Jacques Ridge”.


APRIL 2024

Mon, Apr 8, 7 pm to 8 pm - Field Trip Planning Meeting (Zoom)
The goal is to identify leaders and trips with a focus on the next few months and into the summer. We'll discuss both local and away trips. Please bring the list of trips that you would like to lead, and be prepared to encourage others with trips you'd like to attend. 
Leaders with all levels of plant experience are encouraged. One does not need to be a botanist or a plant expert to lead. Co-leaders, sweeps and folks interested in organizing and assisting with trips are all welcome.
All members are welcome to join in the discussion. For further information email Nabeel Al-Shamma at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Wed, Apr 10, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm Pinnacles National Park (Paicines)

Pinnacles National Park protects beautiful rock formations, cliffs and canyons, and hosts a profusion of wildflowers. Join Nabeel Al-Shamma and Vicki Silvas-Young. We hope to see black sage, goldenstar, paintbrush, golden yarrow, dudleya, fringed onion, cobwebby thistle and maybe even bitterroot.

We'll head out from the Bear Gulch Parking Area and go up the High Peaks Trail. We'll take our time going up the steep part. At the top we'll have lunch and enjoy the views. Afterwards we'll return back to the start.

This is a long and strenuous day. The hike will be 4 miles but with 1500 ft of elevation change. Plus, it can take a good two hours or more to drive there.

Wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Hiking poles are recommended. Bring snacks, a sack lunch, and liquids for the day. Dress in layers. Consider binoculars for condor sightings. Heavy rain cancels.

There may be an optional non-CNPS hike afterwards that will be focused on adding a few miles vs observing.

Directions: Meet at the Bear Gulch Parking Area on the east side of the Park. If the lot is full, we'll park at the Peaks View Parking Area. Note that phones will not work at the trailhead. Please carpool, parking is tight.

National Park Entrance Fee: $30/car (or bring your pass if you have one).

CNPS Members only. RSVP is required. To RSVP or for more information contact Nabeel Al-Shamma at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Sat, Apr 20, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm - Vernal Pool Spring tour

CNPS members only. See above under Vernal Pool Wildflower Tours in Fremont


Sun, Apr 28, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve (Morgan Hill)

Explore the spring wildflowers at Rancho Canada del Oro with Nabeel Al-Shamma and Divya Shenoy. We'll stroll a couple of miles along and up the Longwall Canyon Trail. On the way we'll see poppies, popcorn flowers, lomatium, purple sanicle, fiddleneck and more.

The hike will be about 4 miles long with 1000 ft elevation change.

Wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Hiking poles are recommended. Bring snacks, a sack lunch, and liquids for the day. Dress in layers. Heavy rain cancels.

There is a shallow creek crossing early in the walk. The stepping rocks are unstable. Hiking poles will help. You many want a change of socks.

RSVP is required. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Directions: Meet at the main parking lot, 4289 Casa Loma Rd, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. If full, there is overflow walking just up the road and it is a short walk back to the main lot.

MARCH 2024

Sun Mar 3  9:00am – 2:00pm  Bug & Plant Identification Walk at Sierra Azul OSP
Plants and insects are at the very bottom of the food chain – many higher forms of life depend on them for survival.  An intact native plant habitat supports a diverse insect population, which in turn feeds amphibians, reptiles, birds, small mammals and other animals.  Learn to identify the common native plants and insects of our area with California naturalists Karan Gathani and Arvind Kumar on a guided walk through Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve, the largest and southernmost preserve in the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.

We will hike the Woods Trail with spectacular views of Mt. Hamilton and the valley floor.  Expect to see coast live oak, madrone, California bay, bigleaf maple, buckeye, big berry manzanita, toyon, coffeeberry, cream bush, chamise, mountain mahogany, and sticky monkeyflower.  We may encounter butterflies, bees, beetles, grasshoppers, flies, spiders and ants.

The elevation gain is 600 ft; the distance covered is 5.4 miles round trip.

All interested in plant and insect identification are welcome; prior knowledge of botany or entomology is helpful but not required.

Wear good walking/hiking shoes.  Bring a sack lunch and plenty of fluids.  Drinking water is not available in the preserve.  We also suggest bringing a hat, sunscreen; and optionally, a hand lens and smartphone camera.  We expect to return to the parking lot by 2:00pm.

RSVPs will open up one week before the event. RSVP is required to join us for the hike.  Space is limited. No drop-ins please.  To register, please visit the Chapter’s Meetup page at  We’ll meet at the Woods Trail trailhead – search for Google pin: “Sierra Azul Parking Lot at Jacques Ridge.”  Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page.


Sun Mar 10, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Stile Ranch Trail (South San Jose)

Join Dee and Ken Himes for a 3-4 mile early spring wildflower hike to Stile Ranch on the south side of Santa Teresa County Park, through serpentine grasslands and chaparral. This will be a great trip for those who are interested in plants and flowers that are endemic to the serpentine soil profile and seeps, and also for those who are new to field trips and native plants.

On this hike we expect to see in bloom California plantain, California gilia, woodland shooting star, California buttercups, a variety of Lomatiums and Sanicles, and maybe more with additional precipitation we had in February. We will also see leather oak and black salvias.

The hike will be moderate in intensity. We are starting earlier in the day to beat the heat as it gets pretty HOT, and there's no overhead shade until we get to the Fortini Trail. Bring extra water, snacks, a bag lunch, a wide brim hat and walking stick(s).

RSVP is required. Limited to 20 people due to narrow trails. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Directions: From CA-85 in San Jose, exit Almaden Expy south. Continue south for about 5 miles to the end of the road then turn right onto Harry Rd. Take the next left onto McKean Rd and go 1.3 miles. Turn left onto Fortini Rd and continue 0.6 miles. Turn left onto San Vicente Ave, the parking lot is on the right in less than 0.25 miles. Latitude/Longitude: 37.203355, -121.806013

Note that this is at the southern end of Santa Teresa Park, not the main entrance.

Parking: Parking in a small gravel lot. No toilet facilities or water. No designated handicapped parking, the trail is not suitable for wheelchairs.

Sun Mar 17, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm First Day of Spring Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)

With the onset of Spring, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value. On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.

The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path. Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Parking fee is $6.

Directions: Meet at the Marina parking lot at 9 am. The Marina parking lot is on the western shore of the lake, next to Raging Waters, at the opposite side of the park from the main entrance on White Road. In Google Maps, search for "Lake Cunningham Marina" (37.33426, -121.81016) to be directed to the Marina.

RSVP is required. Space is limited. No drop-ins, please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Co-sponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.


Sunday March 31 - Friday April 5 - Joshua Tree National Park
Join Patricia Evans and Joe Cernac at Joshua Tree National Park for four days of exploration/five nights of camping.  We hope wet weather will bring carpets of flowers but in any event expect to see the usual suspects: goldfields, blazing stars, and Phacelias (both bells and the usual perennials and annuals), along with regional perennial specialties like purple bush (Tetracoccus hallii), Menodora spinescens, Krameria sp., and many others.  And as a bonus, or if the rain fails us, the interesting geology of the Little San Bernadino Mountains.

We will camp at the Cottonwood Group Campground, which gives us good access to the lower and upper Sonoran Desert as well as the Mojave Desert floristic provinces.  Campground creature comforts include picnic tables, sun shades, flat areas for tents, fire pits, toilets and potable water.  Group site fees ($200) will be split among attendees, and there may be additional park entrance fees.  Weather is expected to be warm days and chilly nights.

Before signing on this trip, commit yourself to attending so no one else loses a spot on the list.  Singles should consider if you are willing to carpool (only 11 cars allowed for up to 20 people, no overflow parking).

This trip is for CNPS members only (please ensure your membership is up to date or join).  Space is limited.  No drop-ins.  To reserve your spot and for additional trip information, please contact:
Registration: Sarah Wang at (408) 348-5857 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trip info: Patricia Evans at (650) 949-2801 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Botany info: Joe Cernac at (408) 499-2515 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Sat Feb 10  10:00am – 2:00pm  Dirca Walk at San Francisco Peninsula Watershed  (San Mateo County)
Join Chapter Rare Plant Chair Don Thomas to see the rare Western leatherwood (Dirca occidentalis) in the Crystal Springs Watershed along the Sawyer Camp Trail.  This will be an easy slow-paced walk of about four miles round-trip, starting at the trailhead on Hillcrest and Highway 280, with a stop for lunch.

Dirca is one of the first plants to bloom each year, revealing its bright yellow hanging flowers from its bare winter branches.  We will also have a chance to see other early blooming plants, such as hound’s tongue (Adelinia grandis) and trillium (Trillium chloropetalum).

Dirca is a rare paleoendemic plant native only to the San Francisco Bay Area, ranked by CNPS as 1B.2.  (Read more about CNPS rare plant ranks at

An optional additional short walk along the Sawyer Camp Trail will be to the Jepson Laurel.  This was at one time the largest bay tree in California, but it has been declining for many years.  Many large branches have died and broken off the tree over time, so it has been dethroned as the largest in the state.

Wear warm clothes and bring water and lunch.

RSVP is required to join us for the hike.  Space is limited.  No drop-ins please.  To complete the required RSVP, please visit our Chapter’s Meetup page at Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page.

Sun Feb 16  10:00am – 1:00pm  Dirca Walk at Jasper Ridge  (Woodside)

This is an activity for CNPS Members. Everyone will go on the waitlist, and verified members will be admitted until the trip is full. If you are not a current member, you can join at

Join Vivian Neou for another chance to see the rare Western leatherwood (Dirca occidentalis), this time at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (JRBP).  This will be a slow-paced walk of about four miles to also see other plants that may be blooming.

JRBP is home to some of the largest stands of Dirca in the area.  Participants will have an opportunity to see several stands of Dirca, as well as to learn about ongoing research on Dirca.

JRBP is a private preserve and is not open to the public. The trip is limited to CNPS  members only and eight participants.  No drop-ins.  To complete the required RSVP, please visit our Chapter’s Meetup page at  Details will be sent to registered participants.



Mon Jan 1 10am - 2pm New Year’s walk to Franklin Point, part of Año Nuevo State Park (Hwy 1 coast, southern San Mateo County)

Join CNPS members as we celebrate a Chapter tradition of welcoming the New Year with a walk to and BYO picnic at Franklin Point, which is part of the Año Nuevo State Preserve on the San Mateo County coast.

We will be exploring our surroundings as we casually walk towards Franklin Point, which is the most botanically interesting area of the park. We will be starting from the North Whitehouse Creek Trailhead, which is located south of Pescadero on Highway 1, just north of the Santa Cruz County line. We’ll enjoy ocean views, California native plants and raptors, songbirds and maybe marine mammals.

Coastal prairie flora we expect to see includes silver bur ragweed (Ambrosia chamissonis), California goldenbush (Ericameria ericoides), coastal sagewort (Artemisia pycnocephala) and Argentina anserina (Potentilla anserina).

Expected dune flora includes yellow sand verbena (Abronia latifolia), pink sand verbena (Abronia umbellata), sea side heliotrope (Heliotropium curassavicum) and American dunegrass (Eleymus mollis). We also expect to see sea cliff bluff lettuce (Dudleya farinosa) and fleshy jaumea (Jaumea carnosa).As this is a day to have fun sharing nature at the beach with fellow Chapter members, the end time and depth of botanical or fauna discussion may depend on participants’ preferences.

Bring binoculars and layers of clothing for variable coastal conditions including wind, sun, precipitation and fog. We will be walking on sand dunes. Bring a lunch or snacks and fluids. Extreme weather cancels. Before signing up, please read the Año Nuevo State Park restrictions at

Note that there are no bathrooms at Franklin Point. Flush toilets are located at the main entrance of Año Nuevo State Park, which may require payment to enter. For more information, contact Nabeel Al-Shamma at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page.

Thu Jan 4  7:00 – 9:00pm  Field Trip Planning Meeting  (Zoom)

Please join us at our 2024 Field Trip Planning Meeting. We will hold the meeting via Zoom. (Originally we were going to hold a hybrid meeting, but the room we planned to use will not be available).
The goal is to identify leaders and trips with a focus on the first half of 2024 and perhaps into the summer. We'll discuss both local and away trips. Please bring the list of trips that you would like to lead, and be prepared to encourage others with trips you'd like to attend. 
Leaders with all levels of plant experience are encouraged. One does not need to be a botanist or a plant expert to lead. Co-leaders, sweeps and folks interested in organizing and assisting with trips are all welcome.

Fri Jan 12  11:00am – 1:30pm  Winter Walk at Hidden Villa (Los Altos Hills)
Many of you have visited our CNPS SCV nursery during plant sales and events, but have you hiked the beautiful trails nearby?  Join Stella Yang and Judy Fenerty on a hike at Hidden Villa to see lovely streamside vegetation, mature chaparral, and heritage oak woodlands along the Ewing Hill trail.  The hike will be about 4 miles in distance and up to 850 feet elevation gain.  We should see silk tassel in bloom, numerous fern species emerging, and perhaps even early spring milkmaids.

We welcome newbies who are interested in learning more about the common plants typically seen in our area.  See the trail map here:

Please dress in layers, bring a lunch, water and be aware that ticks are already present.  As always, please clean your boots and poles and remove seeds and mud at home before the hike.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Parking at Hidden Villa costs $10 per car.  The address is 26870 Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills.  CNPS will match the amount paid in parking fees as a donation to Hidden Villa.  Please park in the main lot near the hostel.

Sun Jan 14  10:00am – 2:00pm  Winter Frolic with Ferns (Palo Alto Foothills Nature Preserve)
Join Deanna Giuliano for a moderately strenuous hike to visit ferns in Foothills Nature Preserve.  We will hike the Los Trancos trail to the Costanoan trail to the Fern loop for approximately 3.5 miles in distance and 600 feet of elevation gain.  We will see at least three to five species of ferns and possibly some fungi, mosses and lichens, along with other woodland species.

Deanna Giuliano is a Certified Botanist with CNPS and is the Nursery Director/Botanical Consultant for Grassroots Ecology.  Deanna has been botanizing, hiking and running the Santa Cruz Mountains for the last 25 years.

The park does charge an entrance fee of $6 per car.  We encourage carpooling.  You can check out the Foothills Nature Preserve website for more information.

Bring warm layers, raingear, water and snacks.  Heavy rain cancels.

RSVP is required to join us for the hike.  Space is limited. No drop-ins please.  To register, please visit the Chapter’s Meetup page.  We’ll meet at the Orchard Glen parking lot.  Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page.



Sat Dec 16 9am -12noon Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)

With the onset of winter, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value. On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path.

Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page. We’ll meet at the Marina parking lot at 9am.

This event is cosponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.



Sun Nov 5 - 10am –3pm - Berries for Birds: A Beginner’s Plant ID & Habitat Walk

Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve (Morgan Hill)

Fall is the time when seeds and fruit of many native plants ripen and mature. This coincides with the start of the wet season, maximizing the potential for germination and propagation of the species. The fruit and seed bonanza sustains a wide variety of wildlife, including many types of birds and mammals. Some fauna play a key role in the dispersal and improved germination of these plants.

Join Arvind Kumar and Ashok Jethanandani on this beginner’s plant ID and habitat walk to look for a variety of native berries and fruit such as oak acorns, bay laurel nuts, buckeye nuts, holly-leaved cherries and a wide range of berries: madrone, manzanita, toyon, poison oak, coffeeberry, honeysuckle, elderberry, redberry and snowberry. Beginners interested in plant identification are welcome; prior knowledge of native plants or botany is not required.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page. Meet in the Rancho Canada del Oro Open Space Preserve parking lot at 10 am. The address is 4289 Casa Loma Rd, Morgan Hill



Sun, Oct 22 10:00AM to 2:00PM - Achistaca Trail to Saratoga Gap Open Space Preserve

Join Judy Fenerty and Stella Yang for this 4.5 mile, leisurely-paced loop hike, with moderate elevation gain and loss. We will see fall colors and will attempt to identify trees from their leaves on the trail. Bring your deductive powers and a lunch, and be prepared to look at our local forest from a different perspective.

There is no drinking water at the trailhead or on the hike, so please bring your own. In addition to a lunch for the trail, we recommend a hat, dressing in layers, and your favorite trail accessories (camera/smartphone/hand lens/binoculars/field guide/none).

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Meet at the parking lot at the corner of Highway 35 and Highway 9. Restroom facilities are available 2 miles south on Hwy 35 at Castle Rock State Park.



Sun - Sept 24 9am -12noon - Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)

At the onset of Fall, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value. On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.

The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path. Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on the Meetup page. We’ll meet at the Marina parking lot at 9am.

Cosponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.



Sun - Aug 20 9:30am –1:30pm Bean Hollow State Beach (Pescadero)

Plant Community Walk: Coastal Bluff Scrub

Why do plants grow where they grow? In nature, plants grow in readily identifiable communities or associations united by location (soil, topography and microclimate). Join Arvind Kumar and Ashok Jethanandani as we explore the coastal bluff scrub plant community at Bean Hollow State Beach. Beginners interestedin plant identification are welcome; prior knowledge of native plants or botany is not required.

We will take the Arroyo de los Frijoles Trail that goes from Bean Hollow Beach to Pebble Beach, and back. We expect to see coffeeberry, sagebrush, coyote brush, angelica, buckwheat, gumplant, seaside daisy, yarrow and more. The distance covered will be 1.5 miles with 45’ of elevation gain.

Bring a hat, water, a bag lunch and your favorite trail accessories (camera/smartphone/hand lens/binoculars/field guide/none). Dress in layers and appropriately for possibly foggy/windy weather. There is no drinking water in the park, so please bring your own.

Directions: The park is located 3 miles south of the town of Pescadero off Hwy 1. Take Hwy. 92 west to Half Moon Bay, then turn left on Hwy. 1 and go south for 18 miles, 3 miles past the town of Pescadero. We will meet in the parking lot at 9:30 am. Carpooling is recommended.


JUNE 2023

Sun - June 25 9am - 12noon First Day of Summer Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose

With the onset of Summer, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value. On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.

The distance is 2 miles round-trip on a level path. Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

Directions: Meet at the Marina parking lot at 9am. The Marina parking lot is on the western shore of the lake, next to Raging Waters, at the opposite side of the park from the main entrance on White Road. Parking fee is $6. In Google Maps, search for “Lake Cunningham Marina” (37.3353176 -121.8120059) to be directed to the Marina. RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at

Cosponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.


MAY 2023

Sun - May 7 10am-3pm Sierra Azul Open Space (San Jose)

Woods Trail Through a Gardener’s Eye: Locally Native Plants for Bay Area Gardens

With an Option for a Shorter Hike Ending at 12:30pm

California’s plant diversity is among the greatest in the world and many of our native plants are suitable for landscaping. It is easy to see why: locally native plants have evolved in local soils and microclimates and fit perfectly in Bay Area gardens.

Join Arvind Kumar, Ashok Jethanandani, Stephanie Morris and Vicki Silvas-Young on this walk along Woods Trail to learn about the native plants local to our area. Arvind and Ashok are home gardeners in San Jose with a special interest in local natives. Stephanie is a landscape architect and past Gardening with Natives Committee chair. Vicki leads many field trips for the Chapter, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Open Space Authority.

This hike is particularly focused on native plants on the trail that work well in gardens (and are generally available at native plant nurseries). It is not a detailed plant taxonomy trip. Observing the microclimates, companions and mature sizes of locally native plants can be a fantastic way to learn more about native plant gardening.

This contour trail of the Sierra Azul range has gradual ascents/descents, and the north-facing aspect keeps it cool even on warm days. The plants are flourishing after this season’s extended rainfall, and many may still be blooming. Plan future additions to your garden armed with the knowledge of the many attractive shrubs, subshrubs, perennials, and annuals that grow naturally here.

The full-length walk is 5.6 miles (out and back), with 330 ft of elevation gain/loss. Dress in layers, appropriately for the weather. Bring a sack lunch and plenty of fluids.

For those wishing to take a shorter hike, we will also leave with the main group at 10am but we will turn back earlier and skip the lunch break, returning to the parking lot by about 12:30pm. The shorter trip is about 2.5 miles and is also perfect for families! Bring water and bring snacks if desired.

Directions: Take Hwy 85 to San Jose. Take the Camden Ave. exit and go south. In 1.8 mi, turn right on Hicks Rd. After 6.3 miles, turn right on Mt Umunhum Rd. The parking lot is immediately on the right. In Google maps drive to pin “Sierra Azul Parking Lot at Jacques Ridge.”

We will meet in the lot at 10am and plan to return by 3 pm. (If the lot is full, find parking on the opposite side of Hicks Rd. in Almaden Quicksilver Park’s Wood Road lot and walk back.)

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


APRIL 2023

Fri - Sun April 7 - 9 Hite Cove Trail and Mariposa Overnight Field Trip (Mariposa County)


Radhika Thekkath invites you to join her for three days at her family’s vacation log house and cabin in Mariposa to explore wildflowers on the 15-acre private property. The property is a 3 hour drive from the Bay Area and located at 2800 ft. elevation. Everyone will be accommodated using a combination of beds and tents based on a first come basis.

We will also take a moderate hike of 6.5-miles round-trip on the Hite Cove trail off Highway 140. It has been five years since the Ferguson fire came through here. Plant list from last year will be sent out to participants before the trip.

This trip is for CNPS members only (please ensure your membership is up to date or join). Space is limited. No drop-ins. To reserve your spot and for additional trip information, please contact Radhika at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Detailed trip information will be emailed to registered participants closer to the trip date.


Sat - April 29, 10:30am - 2pm Quail Hollow Ranch (Santa Cruz County)

The Santa Cruz Sandhills are a unique community of plants and animals found only on outcrops of Zayante sand soil in the central portion of Santa Cruz County. Join Joe Cernac and Jane Gomery for an easy tour of these Sandhills as presented in Quail Hollow Ranch County Park.

We will follow the Sunset Trail to Sunset Vista Point. Along the way we expect to see ponderosa pine and several manzanitas, including Arctostaphylos crustacea ssp. crinita, Arctostaphylos sensitiva and Arctostaphylos silvicola. We will also see many annual plants.

The round trip distance covered will be about 2.5 miles with a 5% grade in places. Elevation gain is only a few hundred feet. Parts of the trail are very sandy. Bring lunch and liquids.

To learn more about the Santa Cruz Sandhills visit

Directions: From San Jose, take Hwy. 17 south to the Scotts Valley exit and take Scotts Valley Rd. south to Mt. Hermon Rd. in Scotts Valley. Turn right and take Mt. Hermon Rd. until it dead-ends on Graham Hill Rd. Turn left on Graham Hill toward Santa Cruz. At the first light, which is E. Zayante Rd., turn left. Go approx. 2 mi. and make a left onto Quail Hollow Rd. Travel approximately ½ mi. The park entrance is on the right.

We will meet in the main parking lot at 10:30am. For maps and further directions, visit

You can find the plant list on Calflora, which contains 550 entries:!!fmt::photo!!inbp::t!!bgid::psd16945!!y::37.0879!!x::-122.06!!z::12!!lpom::d

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please. To register, please visit the Meetup page at


MARCH 2023

Sat March 4, 10-4 PM San Bruno Mountain State and County Park (Brisbane)

Join Ken and Dee Himes along the summit loop trail to see early flowering plants in the coastal scrub and coastal grassland plant communities. The hike will be about 4 miles in distance with an elevation change of about 800 feet. Dress warmly in layers as it can be very windy, and wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Hiking poles are recommended. Bring snacks and a sack lunch, and liquids for the day. Heavy rain cancels. For more information call Ken, 650–9 33–6319 or email Ken or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or email dee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Directions: From Hwy. 101 northbound, take Old Bayshore/Brisbane exit and proceed north on Old Bayshore, past the town of Brisbane. Make a left turn onto Guadalupe Cyn. Pkwy., and follow it uphill (west) about a mile and a half to the park entrance. We will meet at 10AM inside the parking lot just beyond the entrance kiosk. There is a $6/day use parking fee. Bring exact change.

Link to map:

Park Website:


Mon - Fri March 13-17 Anza Borrego State Park Camping Trip (CNPS MEMBERS ONLY TRIP)

Join us for four nights of camping at Anza Borrego State Park. Patricia Evans and Joe Cernac will co-lead this event. We’ll meet on the first day on Monday. Hike/ botanize on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a half day at the park or further north on our return. It is too early to predict if the rains will bring a great show, but we hope to see the usual suspects: rose sand verbenas, suncups, Ocotillo flowering red as well as Chuparosa and yellow Encelia.

The cost for camping will be between $45-55 per person for four nights, depending on the number of people. Plan on travel days ahead and behind the hiking days March 14-16. Anza Borrego is in San Diego county, ten hours away from the Bay Area. Because camping in the park is already “sold out”, you should reserve asap with Patricia Evans by calling 650-949-2801. If you email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you are not guaranteed a spot until she calls you back, so please include a phone number.


Sun Mar 19, 9am - 12 noon First Day of Spring Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose

With the onset of Spring, join us for a beginner’s bird and plant identification walk through Lake Cunningham Park. This lake is a major destination for waterfowl and migratory birds and its native garden draws many birds due to its habitat value. On this walk, Vicki Silvas-Young will show you how to identify the common birds of our area, while Arvind Kumar will identify the native plants that they depend on for food and shelter.

The distance is 4 miles round-trip on a level path. Bring a hat, water, your bird and plant lists, and binoculars. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

Directions: Meet at the Marina parking lot at 9am. The Marina parking lot is on the western shore of the lake, next to Raging Waters, at the opposite side of the park from the main entrance on White Road. Parking fee is $6. In Google Maps, search for “Lake Cunningham Marina” (37.33426 -121.81016) to be directed to the Marina. 

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. Space is limited. No drop-ins please.

To register, please visit the Meetup page at  

Cosponsored by CNPS, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.


Thu March 30, 9:30am - 2pm Red Hills - Tuolumne County


Red Hills, is a foothill sierran serpentine region in Tuolumne County. About a two hour drive from the bay area. We will walk two sections observing what we hope will be an early peak blooming, at the shoulder season between winter and spring. Rare serpentine endemic Eriogonum tripodumChlorogalum grandiflorum and Allium tuolumnense are present. Hopefully bitteroot will be in bloom.  Join Janet Hoffmann <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> and Joe Cernac <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> as we observe, heads bowed to the ground, this flora rich area. We will meet at the main parking lot at 9:30 am. There is a bathroom at the parking lot. Email the leaders for directions and any other questions.

This trip is for CNPS members only (please ensure your membership is up to date or join). Space is limited. No drop ins. To reserve your spot and for additional trip information, please contact the trip leaders.

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Upcoming Events

Thu Jul 18 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
CNPS SCV Board Meeting
Fri Jul 19 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Friday Edgewood Restoration
Sat Jul 20 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Jul 20 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park
Tue Jul 23 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
Native Plant ID
Thu Jul 25 @ 7:00PM - 08:30PM
Gardening for Monarch Butterflies, a talk by Shelkie Tao
Fri Jul 26 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Friday Edgewood Restoration
Fri Jul 26 @ 7:00PM - 08:50PM
Photography Group - Photo Sharing Meeting
Sat Jul 27 @ 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Lake Cunningham Native Garden
Sat Jul 27 @ 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Community Work Day at the Native Plant Garden in Kirk Park