CNPS SCV Blazing Star Logo
California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunity: 2025 Wildflower Show

We need help with the 2025 Wildflower Show! Sign up for any of the positions at

Saturday, April 12th & April 19th

Farmers Market Information Table - Help advertise the Wildflower Show at the Saratoga Farmers Market. Staff information table, inform visitors about the Show. Wander the show handing out flyers, informing people about the Show, answering questions. 

Friday, April 25th

Delivery Drivers - Pick up supplies from PCC and deliver to West Valley College for set up. Requires truck or other large vehicle. 

Set Up Volunteers - Help unload and set up supplies, set up outdoor tables and chairs, directional signs, etc.

Runner Positions - Runners place plant samples in vases and set up them up on the appropriate community display tables. No plant knowledge needed. Great way learn plant identification.

Saturday, April 26th

Table Tidy-up Volunteers- Tidy-up table displays, clean up plant debris, top off vases, sweep floor, etc.

Greeters (Main Entrance) - Greet and provide information to visitors and guest speakers at the entry to the show. Greeters should arrive at least 30 minutes before their shift to walk through the show and familiarize themselves where things are. One greeter on each shift is dedicated to counting visitors.

Greeters (Back Entrance) - Staff back entrance and direct visitors to the main entrance to get maps, information and to be counted.

Roaming Greeters - Walk through the show engaging with visitors and answering questions.

Town Criers - Walk through Show announcing upcoming events.

Vendor Table Coverage - Offer table coverage while vendor gets food from farmers market

Book Sale Volunteers - Help Book Coordinator set up books, sell books, t-shirts posters, and other items.

Close Down Show Volunteers - Help return rooms to the way they were before. All the plant samples are collected and saved for the biology students. Vases are emptied and stacked back in boxes. Supplies are collected and packed up. 

Supply Movers - Help load packed-up supplies into cars and drive them back to our office in Palo Alto. Our office is up one flight of stairs. Requires truck or other large vehicle. 

Volunteer Opportunity: Growing Natives Garden Tour Co-chair

We are looking for a volunteer to co-chair our Growing Natives Garden Tour committee ( This annual spring tour of native plant gardens in the Santa Clara Valley & Peninsula has provided inspiration for thousands of people since its inception in 2003. The position is an excellent opportunity to use your project planning skills to put on one of the premier native plant tours in the state. You will be partnering with an experienced committee member as co-chair, so no prior experience with the tour is needed. The committee meets monthly throughout the year to prepare for the tour. Applicants should be willing to commit approximately 4 to 8 hours monthly to participate in meetings and other organizational activities. Additional hours are generally needed in the months immediately before and during the tour, which will be held on April 13/14, 2024. Interested and want to learn more? Please contact Madeline Morrow at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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