CNPS SCV Blazing Star Logo
California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

Special Status Plants of Coyote Ridge

This area contains at least fifteen plants identified by the California Native Plant Society as rare or endangered. Five of these are on a federal listing of endangered plants:  the Santa Clara Valley dudleya, the coyote ceanothus, the Tiburon Indian paintbrush, the Mt. Hamilton thistle, and the Metcalf Canyon jewelflower.


Legal Status



big-scale balsamroot
Balsamorhiza macrolepis
ssp. macrolepis

CNPS List 1B.2

Tehama to Santa Clara Counties

oak woodlands

Tiburon Indian paintbrush
Catilleja affinis
ssp. neglecta

Federal: Endangered
State: Endangered CNPS List 1B.2

Coyote Ridge & Marin & Napa Counties

serpentine grasslands

coyote ceanothus
Ceanothus ferrisiae

Federal: Endangered
CNPS List 1B.1

Santa Clara County

serpentine grasslands

Mt. Hamilton thistle
Cirsium fontinale
var. campylon

Federal: Endangered
CNPS List 1B.2

Alameda to Santa Clara to Stanislaus County

serpentine seeps and ravines in valley and foothill grassland

Santa Clara Valley Dudleya
Dudleya setchellii

Federal: Endangered CNPS List 1B.1

Santa Clara County

serpentine grassland

Franciscan wallflower
Erysimum francsicanum

CNPS List 4.2

Marin to
Santa Clara County

valley and foothill grassland, serpentine or granitic

fragrant fritillary
Fritillaria liliacea

CNPS List 1B.2

Marin to Solano to Monterey County

heavy soils, open hills and fields

Loma Prieta hoita
Hoita strobilina

CNPS List 1B.1

Contra Costa to Santa Clarato Santa Cruz County

chaparral, woodland
and riparian areas

smooth lessingia
Lessingia micradenia var. glabrata

CNPS List 1B.2

Santa Clara County

serpentine grasslands

serpentine linanthus
Leptosiphon ambiguus

CNPS List 4.2

Contra Costa to
San Joaquin to
San Benito to
Santa Cruz Counties

mostly serpentine grasslands, coastal scrub and foothill woodland

large-flowered linanthus
Leptosiphon grandiflorus

CNPS List 4.2

Sonoma to
San Luis Obispo to
Kern Counties

open grassy flats

Hall's bush mallow
Malacothamnus hallii

CNPS List 1B.2

Alameda to
Santa Clara to
Merced County

serpentine chaparral

woodland monolopia
Monolopia gracilens

CNPS List 1B.2

Contra Costa to Monterey County

serpentine grassland

Metcalf canyon jewelflower
Streptanthus albidus
ssp. albidus

Federal: Endangered CNPS List 1B.1

Coyote Ridge

serpentine grassland

most beautiful jewelflower
Streptanthus albidus
ssp. peramoenas

CNPS List 1B.2

Alameda to San Luis Obispo Counties

valley and foothill grassland,
often serpentine

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