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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

Edgewood & CNPS

Edgewood County Park and Natural Preserve is located just west of Redwood City, in San Mateo County.  Though just 467 acres, Edgewood is widely known for fabulous wildflower displays and amazing diversity.  And as a Natural Preserve, its goal is to protect native species, including over 300 native plants!

Our CNPS chapter has a long and storied history (almost 40 years!) of exploring the Edgewood site before it was even a park, fighting to save it from development, and then working to protect and restore the habitats found there.

Visit our Edgewood Weed Warriors page to learn how you can help with restoration efforts.

Here are some links where you can learn more about the history of Edgewood, what makes it so special, and how CPNS has been involved there over the years:

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