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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter


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Native Trees of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties

Aceraceae (Maple Family)
Acer macrophyllum big-leaf maple
Acer negundo var. californicum box elder
Betulaceae (Birch Family)
Alnus rhombifolia white alder
Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)
Sambucus mexicana blue elderberry
Ericaceae (Heath Family)
Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone
Fagaceae (Oak Family)
Lithocarpus densiflorus tanbark oak
Quercus agrifolia coast live oak
Quercus chrysolepis canyon live oak
Quercus douglasii blue oak
Quercus garryana Oregon white oak
Quercus kelloggii California black oak
Quercus lobata valley oak
Quercus wislizeni interior live oak
Hippocastanaceae (Buckeye Family)
Aesculus californica California buckeye
Lauraceae (Laurel Family)
Umbellularia californica California laurel
Oleaceae (Olive Family)
Fraxinus dipetala flowering ash
Fraxinus latifolia Oregon ash
Pinaceae (Pine Family)
Pinus attenuata knobcone pine
Pinus ponderosa Pacific ponderosa pine
Pinus sabiniana gray pine
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir
Platanaceae (Sycamore Family)
Platanus racemosa Western sycamore
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii Fremont cottonwood
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa black cottonwood
Salix laevigata red willow
Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra shining willow
Taxaceae (Yew Family)
Torreya californica California nutmeg
Taxodiaceae (Bald Cypress Family)
Sequoia sempervirens redwood

California Native Trees for the Landscape

There are many California native trees that work well in landscapes. Our locally native trees deserve to be cultivated more often in the San Francisco Bay area, and this list focuses primarily on them. They are well adapted to our climate and soils and provide special value for wildlife. For more information about these trees, please visit

Trees 20 Feet and Under

Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea) is a fast growing deciduous tree with summer fruit that attract a wider range of birds than any other tree. Songbirds favor it highly for food and nesting. It is easy to grow and can adapt to both dry and moist conditions. It is very amenable to pruning.

Cercis occidentalis (Western Redbud)Western Redbud (Cercis occidentalis) is a deciduous tree that is covered in stunning pink flowers just before leaf emergence in the spring. It is a small tree - growing up to 20' and is fairly tolerant of a wide variety of soils, including clay. While not locally native, it grows well in the Bay Area. There are some beautiful specimens growing near the CNPS SCV Nursery at Hidden Villa in Los Altos Hills.

Arctostaphylos 'Dr. Hurd' (Dr. Hurd Manzanita) is a lovely choice if you need a small tree. While most manzanitas are closer to shrub in size, this is one of the tallest and can grow up to 15' tall (and wide). It originated in a garden in Portola Valley and does well in a wide variety of garden situations.

Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' can grow up to 20' and is covered in beautiful blue flowers in early spring. It grows fairly quickly and is a good choice if you need a small, well-behaved tree. It can also be trained as a large shrub.

Western Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides) is found through much of the state. It can reach 15-20’. It can be trained into a single-trunked tree, but is often shrub-like in form with several main trunks when left to grow freely. In late spring, this small tree is covered with 1 - 2 inch long spiral seed heads which appear silver in the afternoon light.

The California Scrub Oak (Quercus berberidifolia) is a small oak that can reach up to 20'. However it grows very slowly, and is usually found as a small, compact shrub. A good choice for those who do not have the space for one of the larger oaks. Can be difficult to find in nurseries.  Learn why it's important to plant oaks.

Trees Over 20 Feet

Valley oak (Quercus lobata) and coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) grow fairly quickly and are easy to cultivate. Another wonderful local oak is canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis). This is the most widely distributed of our native oaks in California.While ancient trees which grew to maturity under summer dry conditions may resent summer irrigation, young oaks adapt to garden watering. Indeed, under garden conditions seedling oaks may reach 25 feet in ten years--they actually grow faster than many commonly planted trees! Learn why it's important to plant oaks.

Hollyleaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia) is a pretty evergreen tree with leaves that look similar to holly. It has pretty white flower clusters in the spring followed by small cherries with large pits that are popular with birds. It can grow up to 50' tall.

California Buckeye (Aesculus californica) is a beautiful tree with spectacular flower clusters in late winter and early spring. While it can grow up to 40' tall, it grows quite slowly, making it practical for even smaller gardens. Read this wonderful article about buckeyes by Roger Raiche to learn more about this lovely tree.

The California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia californica) becomes a stately evergreen tree that can reach 60'. Its fragrant leaves can be used in cooking (although in smaller quantities than its Mediterranean relative, the bay tree). It releases chemicals that supress other plants from growing, so it should not be siturated where understory plantings are desired.

The Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) is one of the world's most beautiful broadleaf evergreen trees. It can grow up to 100', but is more commonly 25-40' in dry conditions. It be challenging to cultivate in a home garden, but it is a spectactular addition to the garden for those who are fortunate enough to grow it successfully.

Big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) is very attractive, but it needs some moisture and does well when planted close to a water source.  It can grow over 65' tall so be sure to plant it where there is enough space because it is fast growing in the right conditions.

The coast redwood is met with too often in cultivation locally. It does best when planted in cool areas with significant fog drip. The temptation to plant this tree in dry inland areas has resulted in many dead or dying trees. Unless you live in an area where these trees grow naturally, resist the urge to plant one.

Where to Buy Native Plants

Here are sources for California native plants in the Bay Area and beyond:
Call before visiting nurseries. All cities are located in California. Also see the California Native Plant Link Exchange for additional sources for native plants.


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Annie's Annuals & Perennials 740 Market Ave.
Richmond, CA 94801
(510) 215-3301
Retail and mail order nursery with a large section dedicated to native plants.
Bay Natives 10 Cargo Way
San Francisco 94124
(415) 287-6755
Wholesale and retail nursery with a selection of rare and endemic Bay Area native plants as well as species from across the state.
Berkeley Horticultural Nursery 1310 McGee Avenue
Berkeley 94703
(510) 526-4704
Retail with one section devoted to natives.
California Flora Nursery PO Box 3, Somers and D Street
Fulton 95439
(707) 528 8813
Cal Flora is  devoted to natives and habitat gardening with an exceptional diversity of offerings. Knowledgeable and experienced with attention to local Bay Area needs and conditions.
California Native Landscapes 254 Shoreline Highway
Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 888-8471
Organic, chemical-free, California native plants. Specializes in natural habitat restoration, pollinator friendly plants
Capital Wholesale Nursery 2938 Everdale Drive
San Jose, CA 95148
(408) 239-0589
Uncommon perennials, Mediterranean and California natives. Both wholesale and retail
Central Coast Wilds 336 A Golf Club Drive
Santa Cruz 95060
(831) 459-0656
California native seeds, plants, revegetation, consulting, and habitat restoration for professionals and home gardeners.
CNPS SCV Nursery CNPS SCV Nursery at Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills CNPS Santa Clara Valley Chapter's nursery. Public sale in October. Periodic pop-up sales.
East Bay Wilds Native Plant Nursery 28th Ave at Foothill Blvd
Fruitvale District of Oakland
Call for hours. Native plants plus demonstration garden.
Grassroots Ecology Native Plant Nursery Foothills Park
Palo Alto
Most plants grown from local native stock. Order online and pick up plants at the nursery.
Larner Seeds PO Box 407
235 Grove Road
Bolinas 94971
(415) 868-9407
Mail order seeds and California native wildflowers, perennials, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Demonstration garden. Retail plants at the nursery from October through July.
Las Pilitas Nursery 3232 Las Pilitas Rd
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805) 438-5992 
Mail order and on-site nursery. Extensive native plants list. Excellent descriptions of plants along with planting guidelines.
Linda Vista Native Plants San Jose.
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Order online with plant pickup in Saratoga. Occasional public sales announced to their email list.
Mission Blue Nursery 1 Mountain Flora Parkway
Brisbane, CA 940056
(415) 467-6631
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Quarterly and by-appointment sales. Mission Blue Nursery grows plants entirely from seeds and cuttings collected on San Bruno Mountain.
Mostly Natives Nursery 54 B Street, Unit D
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
(415) 663-8835
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Wholesale and retail coastal natives and drought-tolerant plants. Call for open hours.
Native Here Nursery 101 Golf Course Drive in Tilden Regional Park
Berkeley 94708
(510) 549-0211
Alameda and Contra Costa County natives. Nursery is operated by East Bay CNPS for East Bay Regional Parks District. Tuesday noon-3pm, Friday 9am-noon, Saturday 10am-1pm.
Native Revival Nursery (831) 684-1811 Online-only. Wholesale and retail seeds and plants, contract collection and growing, revegetation and restoration. 
Oaktown Native Plant Nursery 702 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA
(510) 387-9744
Retail and wholesale. Offers contract growing for restoration and large landscaping projects.
Our City Forest 1000 Spring St.
San Jose, CA 95110
Pacific Coast Seed 533 Hawthorne Place
Livermore 94550
(925) 373-4417 or (800) 733-3462
Wholesale or through local nurseries. Wildflower and grass seeds.
Payless Nursery 2927 S. King Road
San Jose 95122
(4080 274-7815
This independent nursery devotes a section to a varied selection of native trees, shrubs and perennials. Address your native plant questions to Wanda Olson.
Rana Nursery 7480 Williams Ranch Road
Carmel, CA 93923
(831) 659-3820
Native grass seed production and four-acre native plant nursery. Wholesale only. Revegetation, seed, container, and bare root plants.
Regional Parks Botanic Garden Southpark Drive and Wildcat Canyon Road in Tilden Regional Park
Berkeley 94708
(510) 841-8732
Check website for sale hours.
San Diego Chapter, California Native Plant Society seed store

Contact Form
San Diego, CA

Sells California native seeds primarily from Southern California in small quantities for home and demonstration gardens
Seedhunt PO Box 96
Freedom 95019
Mail order annual and perennial seed with hard to find selections and about one-third native
Sierra Azul Nursery & Gardens 2660 East Lake Avenue (Highway 152)
Watsonville 95076
(831) 763 0939
Mediterranean, native, and water-conserving plants for California displayed in demonstration gardens as well as the nursery.
S&S Seeds P.O. Box 1275
Carpinteria, CA 93014
(805) 684-0436
Wholesale seeds, with $150 minimum order. 
SummerWinds Nursery 725 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 493-5136
Retail. There are several locations, but the Palo Alto store has the best selection of natives. Ask for Judith for assistance.
Suncrest Nurseries, Inc 400 Casserly Road
Watsonville 95076
(831) 728-2595
Wholesale only. See website for retail outlets. Develops new and unusual coastal plants with some natives.
Tree of Life Nursery PO Box 635
33201 Ortega Highway
San Juan Capistrano 92693
(949) 728-0685
Wholesale and retail. Contract collects and grows. Round House Plant Store has plants and books for home gardener.
Watershed Nursery 601 A Canal Blvd.
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 234-22225
Retail native plants. Contract collects and grows.
Yerba Buena Nursery 12511 San Mateo Rd. (Hwy 92)
Half Moon Bay
(650) 851-1668
Retail native plants with some seed. 


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Strybing Arboretum Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Golden Gate Park, 9th Ave at Lincoln Way, San Francisco (415) 661-1316 Saturday sales with one for natives in the autumn.
University of California Berkeley Botanical Garden 200 Centennial Drive, Berkeley (510) 642-3343 Autumn sale with some natives that are hard to find.
University of California Santa Cruz Arboretum Empire Grade at Western Drive, Santa Cruz (831) 427-2998 Joint sale with CNPS Santa Cruz Chapter in April.


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California Gardens   Extensive list of California native plants. Pictures and plant descriptions. Ojai, California e-business.
California Native Grass Association   Information packets, seed sources, workshops, website resources. Primary focus is grassland restoration, but resource list is broader.
El Nativo Growers Inc (626) 969-8449 Good source of information on natives in the landscape. Wholesale only.
San Marcos Growers (805) 683-1561 This page has links to the database entries for all of the California native plants that they grow and also features articles about native plants and links to other sites that have information about California native plants. The information is written by staff horticulturist Randy Baldwin with contributuions by Carol Bornstein. Wholesale only.
The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants Inc. 10459 Tuxford Street, Sun Valley 91352 (818) 768-1802 Promotes and restores landscapes and habitats, propagates and sells native plants and educates about native plants. Sells native seeds in quantity.

Local Perennial Native Grasses

by Sally Casey, April 1999

Full Sun Grasses
Scientific Name Common Name Blooms Comments
Danthonia californica California Wild Oat Grass Apr - June To 40", generally 2½' to 3'
Danthonia californica americana Hairy California Wild Oat Grass Apr - May Shorter than species; hairy sheath
Festuca idahoensis Blue Bunch Grass Apr - June To 40"; generally lower; open panicle
Festuca rubra Red Fescue May - June To 40"; open panicle
Hordeum brachyantherum Meadow Barley Apr - June To 28"; inflorescence a spike
Koeleria macrantha June Grass Apr - June To 24"; inflorescence an interrupted spike
Melica californica Western Melica Mar - June To 52"; generally 3'; dies down in summer
Nessella cernua Nodding Needle Grass Apr - May To 3'; inflorescence more delicate than N. pulchra
Nesella pulchra Purple Needle Grass Mar - June To 40"; generally 2½' to 3'
Poa secunda secunda Pine Bluegrass Feb - May To 40"; generally 24"
Partial Sun - Shade Grasses
Scientific Name Common Name Blooms Comments
Bromus carinatus California Brome Annual - Biennial Mar - July 40" - 48"; open panicle
Elymus californicus California Bottle Brush Grass May - July To 80"; generally 6'
Melica imperfecta Small Flowered Melica Mar - June To 44"; generally 24" - 30"; inflorescence open
Melica torreyana Torrey's Melica Mar - July To 40"; generally lower, spreading; inflorescence strict
Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass June - Sept Leaves to 2½' to 3'; spiked inflorescence to 5'; dramatic
Shade Grasses
Scientific Name Common Name Blooms Comments
Bromus laevipes Woodland Brome Grass May - July To 3'; generally lower; inflorescence folded hand
Deschampsia elongata Slender Hair Grass May - July Low tuft, inflorescence to 40", generally lower
Festuca californica California Fescue Mar - May 3' +; open panicle
Festuca occidentalis Western Fescue Apr - July To 40"; generally lower; open panicle
Hierochloe occidentalis California Vanilla Grass Jan - May To 36"; generally lower
Melica geyeri Geyer's Onion Grass Mar - July To 80"; generally 4'; bulbous base
Melica subulata Alaska Onion Grass Mar - July To 48"; bulbous base
Trisetum canescens Tall Trisetum May - Aug To 32"
With one exception (Muhlenbergia rigens), all of the above grasses are found between Route 280 and Skyline. Muhlenbergia rigens grows from Monterey County south, in the central valley, the foothills of and in the Sierra Nevada mountains east to Texas and into Mexico.

CULTURE: Plant 4" or gallon can size in late fall just before the rains. Use compost (but no fertilizer) as a mulch. March is the second-best planting time.

SOURCES: Most of the common names and blooming periods are taken from Thomas' Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California; heights are from Munz' A California Flora; modified heights are my local observations.

Gardening with Natives Resources and Handouts

lesser goldfinches California fuchsia

Here are links to some of our popular handouts.  Free to download.

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