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Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Mommy and Me wildflower walk in Sunol Regional Wilderness 
Saturday, April 12, 2025 10:00am

Join Katie Gallagher and child for a wildflower walk. We'll walk the Camp Ohlone Road to Alameda Creek Overlook. We'll stop and look at wildflowers along the way! We will talk about what the flowers are called and which plants are safe for small hands to touch!

We'll park and gather at the Old Green Barn Visitor Center (navigate to "Sunol Visitor Center") where there are restrooms and picnic tables. Note there is a $5 parking fee.

The walk will be 2.5 miles round trip, with 250 feet elevation gain; sections of the trail are exposed and others are shaded.

Please bring lunch, water, lots of snacks, sun protection, hiking poles are recommended, especially if conditions are muddy. Heavy rain cancels.

RSVP is required to join us for the walk. No drop-ins please and space is limited. To register, please visit the Meetup page at">

Location Sunol Regional Wilderness