Come join trip leaders Dee and Ken Himes and Joerg Lohse for an overnight weekend field trip to a place that is relatively close to home. Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (BORR) is a 3,280-acre Biological Field Station and Ecological Reserve, part the UC Natural Reserve system. We will explore BORR's mixed oak woodland (blue, valley, black, coast live...) along with savannah grasslands, riparian habitats and of course, wildflowers.
We’ll be staying in BORR's dorm cabins (4 beds each) with mattresses, heating, shared bathroom, and outdoor shower at $12 per night per person.
Space is limited and this field trip is open to CNPS members only. For more information or to reserve your spot, please email Dee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After registration, you will receive detailed instructions, travel directions and information about the trip.