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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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The Unusual Flora of the Interior Coast Ranges 
Friday, May 19, 2017 07:30pm
Contact Chapter President Madeline Morrow at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Chapter phone (650) 260-3450.

The central interior coast range in San Benito and Fresno Counties includes many fascinating and unusual plant communities, including those found on Monocline Ridge, Panoche and Tumey Hills, Griswold Hills, Clear Creek, and Pinnacles National Park. Amelia Ryan, most recently an ecologist with Point Reyes National Seashore, will share her stunning photographs of these areas and talk about their unique flora. Amelia will then briefly touch on some of the projects she’ll be working on at her new position in Pinnacles National Park. 

Amelia Ryan is a Vegetation Ecologist at Pinnacles National Park. She has been with the National Park Service since 2003. Amelia became interested in plants as a child growing up in rural Sonoma County, and earned a B.S. in Plant Biology plus an M.S. in Ecology and Systematic Biology. A member of CNPS since 2004, she has served on the Marin Chapter board since 2010. Despite only recently moving south of the Bay, Amelia has a deep appreciation of the interior coast range, which she has spent considerable time exploring the over the years. 

Location Los Altos Library Program Room 13 So. San Antonio Road, Los Altos
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