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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Native Plant All-Stars 
Monday, May 15, 2017 07:00pm
Contact (408) 779-3196

Did you know that the horticultural staff of the UC Davis Arboretum have identified 100 tough, reliable plants that have been tested in the Arboretum, are easy to grow, don’t need a lot of water, have few problems with pests or diseases, and have outstanding qualities in the garden? Many of them are California native plants and support native birds and insects. Our speaker will discuss these “All-Star” native plants and describe their care and growing conditions.

Rebecca Schoenberger is the owner of the landscape company California Nativescapes and has a diverse background in sustainability and natural systems. With an Associate of Science in Park Management and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies, she has an extensive knowledge of native plants, including selecting which plants will thrive in specific locations. Rebecca is also a Santa Clara County Master Gardener. 

Location Morgan Hill Library, 660 West Main Ave., Morgan Hill
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