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Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Aesthetic Pruning of Native Trees & Shrubs 
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 06:30pm
Contact (650) 355-5196

A native garden looks most pleasing when it has a human touch. Shrubs and trees are at their best with occasional pruning and shaping. Although late summer into autumn is the optimal time for pruning many of our natives, you will learn which plants can be pruned out of season and how and why it may be OK.

During this presentation, you’ll learn about the different forms of many native plants and how to bring out their best characteristics ̶ and health ̶ through proper pruning. Please note the earlier start time.

Jocelyn Cohen has extensive experience with land restoration, tree care, aesthetic pruning, organic gardening and soil rebuilding. She teaches pruning workshops and classes at the Bay Area. Her business, Poetree Landscapes & Arboriculture, combines tree care and preservation with aesthetic pruning, garden design and landscape restoration.

Location Pacifica Sharp Park Library, 104 Hilton Way, Pacifica
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