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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve (Gilroy) 
Sunday, April 29, 2018 09:00am

Join trip leader Lars Rosengreen, curator of the Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium at San Jose State University, in a tour of Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve. The 5,800-acre reserve has a mix of annual grassland, oak woodland, riparian, and chaparral plant communities with a large number of springs and ponds. Late April is prime wildflower season in the reserve and there should be plenty of flowers to see and enjoy.

CDLOER is managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and is not normally open to the public. We will explore different areas of the reserve both on foot and by truck (depending on road conditions) and also learn about some of the ongoing restoration and research projects being conducted there.

Location Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve (Gilroy)