Join co-leaders Judy Fenerty and Joerg Lohse to explore the approximately 3,300-acre North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve near Oroville. We’ll meet at the reserve at 11 am on Wednesday and wander across the basalt mesa, crossing streams and enjoying the spectacular wildflowers that occur in this unique environment.
After our day exploring Table Mountain, we’ll hike Feather Falls on Thursday. Feather Falls is a moderately strenuous, 8-mile loop hike with an elevation gain of ~1,700 feet. We’ll stay over Wednesday night, with options to camp near Feather Falls or stay in motels in the Oroville area.
Space is limited and this trip is limited to CNPS members only. Please email Judy Fenerty at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register and get directions and trip details. (To become a CNPS member visit