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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Vernal Pool Wildflower Walk (Fremont) 
Saturday, April 13, 2019 10:00am
Contact (510) 565-0908

Join leaders John and Becky Bradley to see the wildflower blooms around some of the last intact vernal pools in the East Bay, at the Warm Springs Unit of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Fremont. We’ll learn about the unique features of a vernal pool grassland and about the endangered species supported by this habitat: in particular the beautiful endangered Contra Costa goldfield. There are several other vernal pool and grassland plants and wildlife to see at this time of year.

This unit of the Wildlife Refuge is normally closed to the public. There are no restroom facilities at this site so please plan accordingly. Heavy rain will cancel. Please wear sturdy shoes; bring water and sunscreen or a hat. Participants must be able to walk through uneven terrain throughout the tour and be able to climb over a fence ladder (like a step ladder).

Directions to the meeting place will be emailed to those who register, at Call (510) 565-0908 if you have questions.

Location Warm Springs Unit of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Fremont
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Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 15 @10:00AM - 02:00PM
Stile Ranch Trail (South San Jose)
Wed Mar 19 @ 9:40AM - 01:00PM
Tulare Hill Wildflower Walk (San Jose)
Sun Mar 23 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Bird and Plant ID Walk at Lake Cunningham Park (San Jose)
Thu Mar 27 @10:00AM - 02:00PM
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Wed Apr 02 @ 9:30AM - 01:30PM
Red Hills Serpentine Walk (Tuolumne County)