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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Creating a Bee­Friendly Native Garden 
Wednesday, June 05, 2019 06:00pm
Contact (408) 354­6891

We all know about the European honey bee, but what about the native bees that live here in the Santa Clara Valley? These local insects help pollinate your ornamental and edible plants, too! Once you know what to look for, you’ll see over a dozen bee species that live in our urban setting—especially among locally-growing native plants. Find out how planting even a few select natives can enrich your garden and attract even more native (and honey) bees.

John Kehoe is a longtime member of CNPS as well as The Xerces Society. He is passionate about the natural world and is a regular volunteer at Ulistac Natural Area, as well as at various CNPS functions. His research interests include studying native bees and their relationships with native plants. He shares these interests by way of his photography on Flickr, CalPhotos at UC Berkeley, and Bumble Bee Watch.

Location Los Gatos Library, 100 Villa Ave, Los Gatos
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