Join us as we learn and practice methods of identifying the native plants of our region (aka keying). We use the current edition of The Jepson Manual. Bring your own copy and a hand lens, plus plant samples if you have them. Microscopes are also available. In February we will look at “Conifers of the Bay Area.” Participants can bring their own conifer samples or examine ones the leaders will provide.
We meet at the Peninsula Conservation Center (PCC), 3921 E. Bayshore Road in Palo Alto. For more information please contact Joe Cernac at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (408) 292-5465.
Directions to the PCC: From Hwy. 101 take the San Antonio Rd. exit and head north. Take the next left onto East Bayshore, which will curve left then right. Take the next right onto Corporation Way. The entrance to the PCC parking lot is the first driveway on the left.