There is a new understanding of the importance of native plants in our environment, and the extraordinary role ordinary home gardens can play in “creating wildlife corridors that sustain populations of insects, birds and animals” - The Importance of Native Plants, Fine Gardening, Julie Moir Messervy.
Visiting native plant gardens and bringing others along to witness their beauty and habitat value may be one of the most powerful individual efforts we each can make to entice and persuade our neighbors, colleagues, family, and even ourselves, to add more native plants to our gardens.
“...most native insects cannot, or will not, eat alien plants. When native plant species disappear or are replaced by alien exotics, the insects disappear, thus impoverishing the food source of birds and other animals.” - Prof. Doug Tallamy in his book Bringing Nature Home.
The 18th annual Going Native Garden Tour (GNGT) previously scheduled for Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 will be online only this year to ensure the health and safety of visitors, garden owners, and volunteers.
Connecting people to nature and California native plants is more important than ever, so selected GNGT gardens located throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo counties will have virtual tours that you can view anytime with lots more photos and some videos. Visit to see the virtual tours. Registration isn’t required for the virtual tour, but please do register. You’ll then receive notifications about any live webcasts and the 2021 Tour.
Tue Mar 25 Online Plant Sale |
Wed Mar 26 Online Plant Sale |
Thu Mar 27 Online Plant Sale |
Fri Mar 28 Online Plant Sale |
Sat Mar 29 Online Plant Sale |
Sat Mar 29 @ 1:00PM - 03:00PM Seed and Cutting Exchange |
Sat Apr 12 @10:00AM - 04:00PM Growing Natives Garden Tour 2025 |