With increasing drought and fire risk, gardening and land management in the wildland urban interface (WUI) can seem daunting. In this talk, Nikki will address six elements of firesafe landscaping to consider when trying to tackle this hot topic. We will have lots of time for questions as we break down the pieces to creating a landscape that is beautiful, resilient, and habitat friendly.
Nikki Hanson brings a breadth of experience to her landscaping and land management approach. With 17 years working in native plant nurseries, and 12+ years working as an educator in various capacities, she hopes to help home gardeners
and rural residents be more equipped to foster a fire resilient landscape. Nikki has a B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UC Santa Cruz. She has experience in plant science, including her own graduate research on native milkweed production at the University of Idaho.