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Search for the Tiburon Mariposa Lily and Tiburon Jewelflower (Marin County) 
Monday, May 23, 2022 10:00am
Contact Vivian Neou at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Join Ring Mountain Stewardship Coordinator Amanda Magallanes, Vivian Neou and Ramón Curiel to see the Tiburon mariposa lily (Calochortus tiburonensis) on Ring Mountain Preserve and the Tiburon jewelflower (Streptanthus glandulosus var. niger) at St. Hilary’s Preserve. Both species are rare and endangered, 1B.1 listed on the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory, here:

The Ring Mountain hike will be about 2 miles round trip; the trail is steep and rocky in areas. We will caravan from Ring Mountain to Old St. Hilary’s Preserve to see the Tiburon jewelflower before heading home. It can be very windy and foggy, or hot and sunny, so dress in layers and wear sturdy hiking shoes. Bring hiking poles (recommended), sunscreen, hat, water, snacks and lunch.

Location Marin County