California native gardening follows its own seasonal rhythm, which starts in the fall with the arrival of the rainy season. By learning to capitalize on this free irrigation and understanding the times when various native plants bloom, fruit and go to seed, savvy gardeners can boost biodiversity, save water, and enjoy a lush native garden year round. Attendees will receive a free packet of California native wildflowers with a long bloom season to try out in their own gardens.
Helen Popper is the author of California Native Gardening, A Month-by-Month Guide. Combining delightful prose and beautiful photography, she has collected the insights of dedicated professional and amateur native gardeners into this treasured guide for native gardeners throughout the state. This publication has earned her the honor of being selected as one of the ten best garden authors of California by Live Outside.
Mon Mar 24 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes |
Mon Mar 31 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM Calochortus Treasure Hunt, Parts I & II Two talks by Dee Himes |