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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Plant ID Walk at Alum Rock Park (East San Jose) 
Sunday, May 12, 2024 10:30am

On this beginner and family friendly native plant walk, join California Naturalist Divya Shenoy, assisted by Arvind Kumar, to explore the creekside and shrubland habitats of Alum Rock County Park. We will walk along the beautiful Penitencia Creek Trail, Mineral Springs loop and other hillside trails. We will also stop by the Youth Science Institute Nature Center, which has live animals and an extraordinary taxidermy display!

We will see native plants such as the coast live oak, California bay laurel, toyon, buckeye and maidenhair ferns! We may see birds, such as Steller’s jays and acorn woodpeckers, butterflies and small mammals. We will also see historical mineral spring structures and discuss the ways Ohlone Native Americans utilized native plants.

The walk will be about 3 miles in length. The pace will be a stroll with water breaks, pauses to view plants, and a 15- minute snack break in the middle. There are some sections of trails with moderate inclines and declines, so hiking poles are recommended for those who need additional stability and support.

Please wear comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, a hat and bring plenty of water. Optionally, you can bring a snack, plant and bird identification guides and lists and binoculars.

RSVP is required to join the hike. No drop-ins please and space is limited. See the instructions at the beginning of this Field Trips section to RSVP on Meetup.

Driving directions and parking tips are provided on our Chapter’s Meetup group. Drive past the first parking lot at the park entrance, past the ticket booth and past the next two lots. Park in any of the last group of three parking lots at the end of the park. One of the lots has a $6 parking fee and two are free. We will meet at 10:30am at the bridge nearest to the playground, which is next to a picnic table and bathroom. Alum Rock Park’s website includes a link to a park map.

RSVP is required to join the hike. No drop-ins please and space is limited. See the instructions at the beginning of this Field Trips section to RSVP on Meetup.

Location Alum Rock Park (East San Jose)
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