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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Año Nuevo State Preserve field trip 
Sunday, January 01, 2017 10:00am
Contact Carolyn Dorsch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 650-804-6162 (eves)

Join us as we celebrate a Chapter tradition of welcoming the New Year with a walk and picnic at Año Nuevo State Preserve on the San Mateo County coast. The preserve is located south of Pescadero on Highway 1, just north of the Santa Cruz County line.

Meet in the parking lot ($10 day use fee) at 10am. Latecomers will find us on the trail in the coastal prairie. We’ll enjoy sea cliff vegetation, raptors, songbirds and maybe marine mammals. We will face an outgoing tide at noon, and may or may not be able to picnic on the beach (in the area in which seal tour reservations are not required), depending on our pace.

As this is a day to have fun at the beach with fellow Chapter members, the ending time and depth of botanical discussion may be extended depending on participants. We will finish at the visitor center. Bring binoculars and layers for variable conditions including wind, sun and fog.

Heavy rain cancels.  

Location Año Nuevo State Preserve (Hwy 1 coast-southern San Mateo County)