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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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CANCELLED: St. Joseph's Hill Open Space Preserve field trip 
Sunday, January 08, 2017 10:00am
Contact call Ken at (650) 591-8560 or email Dee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Due to the big storm coming our way, the field trip this Sunday, January 8 to St. Joseph's Hill with Ken and Dee Himes is cancelled.  


Join Ken and Dee Himes on a discovery trip through this Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District preserve. We hope to see Coast silk tassel (Garrya elliptica) in tassel and big berry manzanita (Arctostaphylos glauca) in flower, and possibly chaparral currant, hillside gooseberry and other little treasures that may be emerging early this year. We will be hiking about 4.5 miles with about 700 feet of elevation changes with a steep incline at the trailhead.

Bring snacks, a sack lunch, and liquids for the day. Dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Hiking poles are recommended. Heavy rain cancels. 

Location St. Joseph's Hill Open Space Preserve (Los Gatos)
Directions:From Hwy 17: Take the Bear Creek Rd. exit, cross over the hwy., and go 0.4 mi. north on 17 to Alma Bridge Rd.. Proceed across the dam to the parking area at Lexington Reservoir Park. Parking is $6. The trail to St. Joseph’s Hill starts opposite the boat launching area at the north end of the reservoir.