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Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Butterflies and the Native Plants They Love 
Thursday, November 09, 2017 07:00pm
Contact (408) 446-1677

Butterflies are often called the “winged jewels of the garden” and they do indeed add sparkle to our outside spaces. California has almost 70 different species of butterflies that you can attract to your garden by growing a variety of native plants which will provide nectar and habitat. Come hear how you can create garden for Monarchs and other winged jewels. Plant now for butterflies in the spring and summer.

Jeffrey Caldwell, B.A., Biology, has nearly 50 years of horticultural experience, including working with California native plants. He has been interested in butterflies his whole life and gave his first butterfly gardening public lecture in 1975. For the last seven years he has been compiling information about California plants as resources for butterflies and moths to help those who wish to foster Lepidoptera in the landscape.

Location Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino
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