Join Alf Fengler, Ken Himes and Helen Popper (author of California Native Gardening) for a proper start of the spring wildflower season with a pleasant walk through this easily accessible Open Space Preserve. We often see over 1,000 individual wildflowers in bloom this early in the season!
As experienced docents at Edgewood, Alf and Ken will be able to point out some flowering plants in Pulgas Ridge that don’t occur at Edgewood, such as fetid adder’s tongue (Scoliopus bigelovii) and coast man-root (Marah oreganus). This trip will be an easy 3-mile loop hike through oak woodland, mixed evergreen woodland, chamise chaparral, and coastal scrub, combined with a little bit of riparian woodland. If needed, we will split into two or three groups to provide a more individualized experience.
The trip will include an elevation gain and loss of about 400 feet. Heavy rain cancels.
Thu Feb 27 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Fri Feb 28 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Sat Mar 01 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Sun Mar 02 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |