Join Alf Fengler for a leisurely walk though this coastal gem, looking mostly for lichens, these fascinating composite organisms comprising members of two or even three biological kingdoms.
Pack water, lunch, sunscreen and sturdy hiking shoes. Be prepared for windy and cool conditions near the ocean. Bring a hand lens if you have one available, since many important lichen features are quite small. The hike distance will be 2-3 miles with about 400 feet elevation change.
This trip will be limited to 12 CNPS members, as parking is extremely limited at the trailhead. If you are not currently a member and would like to attend, you can join online here:
We will meet in Pacifica and carpool from there. For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Alf Fengler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (650) 345-7045. Moderate or heavy rain cancels.
Fri Feb 21 @10:30AM - 02:30PM NEW DATE! Manzanita Walk at Mt Madonna County Park (near Gilroy) |
Thu Feb 27 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Fri Feb 28 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Sat Mar 01 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |
Sun Mar 02 Red Rock Canyon State Park (Mojave Desert) |