Join us for a walk led by Liam O'Brien, an acclaimed Bay Area lepidopterist known for his San Franciscan conservation projects (The Green Hairstreak Corridor, Mission Blue Restoration and Operation Checkerspot). He will guide us through this wildflower wonderland and discuss how the plants are used by these intriguing creatures.
We will point out native host plants for female egg-laying along with behaviors like “hill-topping” and “mud- puddling.” Of special interest will be observing which serpentine endemics are being used as nectar sources. We might even glimpse the threatened Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis).
Bring a sack lunch, water and a hat. If so inclined, bring your camera or binoculars. Wear comfortable hiking shoes. The trip distance will be 4 miles with 500 feet of ascent. Inclement weather will cause us to switch to our alternate date of Saturday, May 7, since butterflies are a no-show on cloudy, overcast days.
Space is limited to 25 people. To reserve your spot and to receive directions and details, please RSVP to Arvind Kumar at arvind.kumar@cnps .org. Cosponsored by CNPS and Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.