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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Grass Walk at Edgewood Park (Redwood City) 
Saturday, May 06, 2017 10:00am
Contact To reserve your spot and get directions, contact Alf Fengler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (650) 345-7045

Come see (and identify!) our native grasses at Edgewood Natural Preserve, well known for its unique and beautiful plants and its great plant diversity.  Join botanist Sally Casey and co-leader Alf Fengler on this easy walk.  Pack water, lunch, comfortable walking shoes and an interest in grasses.

If you have a hand lens, please bring it with you, since many important grass features are quite small.  Also, if available, bring the new Field Guide to the Grasses of California by James P. Smith, Jr., which we will use for identification to species.

The hike distance will be about two miles with gentle slopes.  We will stop for lunch near the highest point of the trip.  This trip is limited to 18 people, as the trails are quite narrow. 

Location Edgewood Park (Redwood City)