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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Easy-To-Grow Native Plants 
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 06:00pm
Contact (408) 354-6891

Are you looking to start a native plant garden in order to save water, add habitat, and create beauty? Are you new to growing drought-tolerant native plants? Do you want to include them in your garden for beauty, habitat and sustainability, but don’t know where to begin?

Come to this talk and learn about the many easy-to-grow native trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals for the home garden. Many of these plants are native to our local area and will thrive with just a little water and care.

Sherri Osaka is a licensed Landscape Architect and Bay- Friendly Qualified Designer who started her company, Sustainable Landscape Designs, over 20 years ago. She is our Chapter’s GWN chair and received the 2018 Water Champion distinction from the Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award Coalition.

Location Los Gatos Library, 100 Villa Ave., Los Gatos
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