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Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Creating a Native Rain Garden 
Thursday, October 17, 2019 06:00pm
Contact (408) 354-6891

Get ready for the rain! Typically, our first rain is at the end of October. We shouldn’t let it go to waste running off roofs and into the streets, storm drains and creeks where it could cause flooding. Instead we should direct that rainwater into our gardens, allowing it to percolate downward, recharging our local aquifers and purifying the water as it passes through the soil. Learn how rain gardens keep water on site and solve drainage problems and which California native plants are best suited for them. Did we mention there is also a rebate for installing them?

Sherri Osaka is a licensed Landscape Architect, Bay Friendly-Qualified designer, and a member of the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Landscape Board. She is GWN co-chair and started her company, Sustainable Landscape Designs, over 20 years ago. In 2018, she received the Water Champion distinction from the Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award Coalition.

Location Los Gatos Library, 100 Villa Ave, Los Gatos
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