Join leaders Patricia Evans and Joe Cernac on an away trip to the high eastern Mojave Desert. In general, our explorations will be above 3,000 feet. With a bit of last year’s summer rainfall and an early start to this winter’s wetness, perennials should be doing well. We cross our fingers for an abundance of annuals.
Reservations have been made at Hole in the Wall group camp. We plan on three full days of hiking (Tuesday – Thursday) to places such as Mitchell Caverns, Kelso Dunes, Granite Pass and Granite Mountain. As for the travel days (Monday and Friday), we plan to meet at other possible highlights along the way. (Details will be provided upon registration).
Space is limited to 20 CNPS members. For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Patricia Evans at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (650) 949-2801.
Sat Feb 15 @10:00AM - 02:30PM Dirca Walk at Windy Hill OSP (Portola Valley) |
Sun Feb 16 @10:00AM - 02:00PM Walk on South Slopes of San Bruno Mountain (South San Francisco) |