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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Woody Plants of Castle Rock (Skyline – Santa Cruz Mountains) 
Sunday, November 20, 2022 10:00am

Join Ken and Dee Himes on this fall hike along Skyline Ridge. Several woody plant communities, including Broadleaf-Evergreen and Chaparral will be observed along this 3.5 to 4 mile moderately-paced walk with +/-350 feet in elevation change. We’ll look for late fall colors from black oak and bigleaf maple trees, and we’ll see if we can find late season blooms of California fuchsia (Epilobium canum). We’ll also look for redwood penstemon (Keckiella corymbosa) if still in bloom.

Bring a lunch or snacks and fluids. Wear sturdy shoes and we recommend bringing hiking poles, as part of the path crosses over sandstone outcroppings.

Space is limited so please reserve your spot by going to our Chapter’s Meetup page to sign up. There is a $10 vehicle day-use fee, so please bring exact change in cash or use your CA State Park Pass.

To see rules and regulations of the park, visit For the park brochure, visit, CastleRockSPFinalWebLayout082117.pdf.

Location Castle Rock (Skyline – Santa Cruz Mountains)