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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

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Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (Mt. Hamilton) 
Friday, April 29, 2022

Join us at Blue Oak Ranch Reserve where we will explore the SCU Lightning Complex burn area and look for rare plants. Blue Oak Ranch Reserve sprawls across the steep slopes of Mount Hamilton just east of urban San Jose.

Plant communities include blue oak woodland, valley oak woodland, black oak woodland, coast live oak woodland, riparian forest, chamise chaparral, Diablan sage scrub, nonnative annual grassland, wildflower field and native perennial grassland. Blue and valley oak woodlands have become quite rare in California, and few are as protected from overgrazing and the encroachment of suburban development as those at Blue Oak Ranch.

We will explore the burn area and look for rare plants such as Santa Clara red ribbons, serpentine leptosiphon, and the fire follower Brewer’s calandrinia. We will also make natural history observations in iNaturalist for the 2022 City Nature Challenge, so we’ll be on the hunt for insects, reptiles, and other cool creatures as well.

This trip is for CNPS members only (please ensure your membership is up to date or join). Space is limited. No drop-ins please. RSVP is required to join us for the trip. To register, please visit Eventbrite to get your ticket.. Detailed trip information will be emailed to registered participants closer to the trip date.

Location Blue Oak Ranch Reserve (Mt. Hamilton)