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California Native Plant Society

Santa Clara Valley Chapter

Local Habitat Restoration Projects

Local Projects

San Bruno Mountain

San Bruno MountainVolunteer to save critical grasslands at San Bruno Mountain Park. Join the South San Francisco (SSF) Weed Warriors for fresh air and exercise and help them weed on the south slope of mountain. The south slope has large areas of grasslands that are critical to resident endangered butterflies. The focus is to remove invasive non-native plants.

Loretta and Chuck have led this group since 2011 and the results of their work to restore these important grasslands on the south slopes of the Mountain will be obvious when you visit - or when you come to volunteer! Check their Upcoming Events listings for dates of their monthly outings, or contact leaders This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More Volunteer Information

Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac, the last 40 acres of open space in the City of Santa Clara, was designated a city park on January 20, 1997. People often visit Ulistac to learn about native plants and ecology, bird watch, jog, walk their dogs, and to enjoy the outdoors.

Regularly scheduled workdays involve watering, weeding, mulching, and planting hundreds of oaks and native plants.

No experience is necessary to volunteer on restoration work days. People of all ages and abilities are welcome. Special volunteer events for corporations, classes, and other groups can be scheduled on request for both weekday and weekend times.

More Information


Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District

Red fuschia blossoms at the base of a rock at Black Mountain Peak.  Photo by Carol MattssonVolunteers contribute to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District in a variety of ways such as constructing and maintaining trails, and removing invasive, non-native vegetation.

Preserve Partners get involved in trail maintenance and habitat restoration. Monthly field projects accommodate a variety of skills and physical abilities. You can participate just once or as many times as you like.

More Information and Registration

Outdoor Service Projects Calendar for the latest information.

Foothills Park

Grassroots Ecology in cooperation with Friends of Foothills Park focuses on enhancing wildlife habitat along the four miles of Buckeye and Los Trancos Creeks that flow through the park, as well as targeting stands of invasive plants scattered throughout this 1400-acre preserve.


  • Foothills Park, 3300 Page Mill Road, Los Altos Hills 

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